Zero Trust Security Microsoft

Zero Trust Security Microsoft

In this post, we will explore what zero trust security Microsoft is. Also, we will discover the functions of this kind of security. So, keep on scrolling below.

Zero Trust Security Microsoft

Zero trust security Microsoft is a new kind of security that is based on the assumption that all users are potential threats. Also, it is a new paradigm in security that helps to eliminate the need for firewalls. And restricts users from accessing data within a network.

The goal of this one is to provide a secure environment for users and applications while maintaining the usability needed to be productive. In a zero trust environment, no user or device is trusted until they have been granted access.

Moreover, this kind of model aims to minimize the number of users that are granted access to systems. Instead, the security system will be designed in a way where only necessary users can access important systems.

To protect your network from malware and zero day attacks, it is essential to have a strong host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS). Moreover, Microsoft has a solution known as Microsoft Host-Based Security System (HBSS). One that is used by Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 10 operating systems. This solution is also an effective tool for detecting and preventing intrusions.

Further, this solution also provides real-time monitoring of the status of the computer system as well as the activities of authorized users. It also provides an alert whenever there is an attempt to change the status or perform an unauthorized activity. Also, it will send alerts whenever suspicious information is detected by the operating system or applications.

What is Zero Trust Security?

As we have mentioned earlier, zero trust security was based on the assumption that all users are potential threats. So, to ensure a secure environment for users and applications while maintaining usability, this model was created.

The main principle of this one is to minimize the number of users that are granted access to systems instead of granting access to all users that request it. Instead, the security system will be designed in a way where only necessary users can access important systems. 

Then, this approach will minimize the number of potential threats and attacks from hackers and malware. One that could affect your company’s data or productivity.

Moreover, this model requires you to identify all your applications and data before you can determine how you want to protect them. The main goal of zero trust security is not focusing on where data lives. But who has access to it and what they can do with it when they have it?

Furthermore, applying this concept of security means that you have to have a high level of user awareness about what they can and cannot do within your network at all times. To achieve this goal, you have to have detailed policies within your network.


As you can see, it is important to use a strong host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) to protect your network from malware and zero day attacks. In addition, applying the concept of Zero Trust Security is also essential. 

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