Zero Trust Security

Why Zero Trust Security?

Zero Trust Security concept is based on the fact that not all users, devices, apps and cloud services are trustworthy.

As a result, companies need to assess users and cloud services for their trustworthiness. Even before allowing them to access corporate assets.

At the same time, enterprises must also understand and protect the assets they are responsible for.

To accomplish this goal, the Zero Trust concept requires a new security model. Hence, all access requests are considered unsafe until proven otherwise.

Why Zero Trust Security is so important

The following quote explains why Zero Trust Security is so important.

“Corporate IT departments must move beyond their traditional role of simply enforcing security rules. And start monitoring and identifying threats in real-time so they can prevent breaches before they happen. The truth is that no amount of technology can protect your business. Especially, if you don’t have enough information to detect a threat in the first place.” – Rich Campagna,

Zero Trust Security means that both users and cloud services must be vetted before they access corporate data or applications. This vetting process applies to all users. Whether they are employees or contractors as well as any 3rd party cloud service. Especially, one that needs to access company data such as Salesforce or Office 365.

By using this Zero Trust Security model, companies are able to prevent security incidents. While also reducing costs related to the management of user identities and access privileges. This approach also allows companies to support BYOD policies while still maintaining control over corporate data security.

Are there any challenges for Zero Trust Security?

The main challenge for Zero Trust Security is that it requires a new mindset by IT and security professionals. Traditional protection measures based on IP address, port numbers and MAC addresses alone are no longer sufficient. Moreover, to protect valuable data and applications. Instead, enterprises must look at applications, users and cloud services as untrusted entities. Further, require vetting before access is granted to corporate resources. This vetting process can be tedious and time-consuming. But it’s the only way to ensure that all access requests are legitimate and safe.

How does Fortscale help with Zero Trust Security?

Fortscale’s Adaptive Access Control platform provides a Zero Trust Security solution that helps companies eliminate security incidents by:

• Automatically assessing all access requests for their trustworthiness before allowing them through to the corporate data center or cloud service. The Fortscale Adaptive Access Control platform uses machine learning algorithms to continuously assess new apps, users and cloud services to determine if they are trustworthy or not. 

• Ensuring that only trusted users and cloud services can access company data via a seamless single sign-on (SSO) process. Fortscale’s Adaptive Access Control solution ensures that users are always accessing the right apps, services and data while also protecting sensitive information from malicious actors. 

• Automating user provisioning, de-provisioning and access control policies as well as eliminating manual processes in order to minimize risk while also reducing costs. The Fortscale Adaptive Access Control platform automatically provisions new users including contractors, vendors and partners while also enforcing the right policies for each individual. 

• Providing a single pane of glass where security administrators can see all risk levels associated with apps, users, virtual machines (VMs), containers or cloud services in real-time in order to quickly detect any potential security issues as they arise. Fortscale Adaptive Access Control provides a single management console where admins can review audit logs of every request made by apps, users or cloud services against your network infrastructure including VMs, containers or public clouds such as AWS or Azure. 

• Providing a micro-segmentation solution where each app, user or cloud service is separated from other apps in order to prevent any unauthorized interaction between them. The Fortscale Adaptive Access Control platform allows you to control which apps can interact with each other by assigning specific roles to each one such as READER or WRITER for example.

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