Why Use a Secure Web Gateway

Why Use a Secure Web Gateway?

Why use a secure web gateway? What are some of the reasons why organizations today need this tool? Find out below.

Why Use a Secure Web Gateway?

To begin, let us get to know what a secure web gateway (SWG) is. It refers to a network security apparatus capable of safeguarding a network’s resources, preventing unauthorized access, and stopping malicious traffic. In a nutshell, it creates a boundary between the internal and external networks, providing security against unwanted cyber-attacks.

What are some of the reasons why organizations today need this tool? Find out below.

1. It safeguards the data inside your company. The primary function of the secure web gateway is to protect your business and keep its data safe from online threats. Thus, this enables your organization to carry out important transactions online such as sending confidential information, payments, and so on. 

2. It protects users from cyber threats. When a malicious threat enters your network through a website or an application, the secure web gateway will immediately detect it. And then stop it from infecting other computer systems in your business. As such, your employees won’t be vulnerable to these threats anymore.

3. It safeguards your business’ reputations Data breaches are becoming more common nowadays. Especially among small businesses who lack the proper security mechanism to protect their networks and data from hackers and intruders. This can lead to many problems like downtime, financial loss, loss of trust from clients, and more. Fortunately, with the use of an SWG, these problems can be prevented. As it provides you with an extra layer of security against cyber attacks.

4. It boosts productivity. When you have an efficient web gateway, you can expect better productivity not only in terms of security. But also in terms of speed since applications work faster as well. Because there is no longer any interference from malicious traffic or hackers. 

Other Reasons to Use a Secure Web Gateway

Aside from the reasons listed above, here are more reasons why your organization needs to use this tool:

1. It increases efficiency. Since all threats are blocked by the secure web gateway in real-time, there is no need to constantly check if your device is still safe. Because even if a threat enters your system while you aren’t looking at it at that time, it will be immediately detected. And then, blocked by the device so that no further damage can be done to it.

2. It keeps confidential information safe. Aside from blocking malware, viruses, and intrusions in real-time, SWGs also help prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information. Like trade secrets and personal data of customers or employees stored on your system. Thus no one else can get hold of it without permission from authorized personnel only.


So, if your organization is still not using a secure web gateway yet, it’s time to start using one to protect your business and its valuable data. This way, you can keep up with your competitors and keep your business afloat for a long time. 

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