Why Is Cloud Access Security Brokers Important?

Why Is Cloud Access Security Brokers Important?

There are many reasons why we can say that cloud access security brokers are important. But what does a cloud access security broker do? To answer this question, let us tackle it below.

What Is A Cloud Access Security Broker?

A cloud access security broker, or C-ASB, is the most essential component of any cloud computing network. It serves as a security guard at the gateway to the cloud. 

It ensures that only authorized visitors are allowed access to the data in the cloud. Here are some of the components of a C-ASB.

C-ASB Controller: 

So this is an API and a management console that allows you to manage your cloud security services.

C-ASB Server: 

It is one of the most important components of a C-ASB. So this server acts as a liaison between your on-premises network and your SaaS applications. 

So, it’s responsible for creating secure channels between your on-premises network and your SaaS applications and managing them.

C-ASB Security Gateway: 

It is a component that monitors all traffic entering or leaving the corporate network in real-time and enforces all policy rules.

C-ASB Agent: 

It is an application that allows you to connect your existing infrastructure with a C-ASB server. So using protocols such as IPsec or Web Application Firewall (WAF).

While considering cloud access security brokers. It’s often said that they are like firewalls, VPNs, IDS/IPS, WAFs, SIEMs, encryption products, etc., but only better.

They bring together all these technologies in one place and make them work together efficiently. For securing enterprise networks against attacks from both within and outside the organization’s walls.

So, this brings us back to our initial question, why are cloud access security brokers important for enterprises? Now let us look at some reasons why they are important.

Importance Of Cloud Access Security Broker

There are many reasons why cloud access security brokers are important. Here are the following reason below:

1. Helps To Secure The Cloud

Cloud access security brokers help to secure the cloud. So what is a cloud access security broker? It’s a security guard at the gate to the cloud. 

So it ensures that only authorized visitors are allowed access to the data in the cloud.

2. Protects Against Data Loss

Cloud access security brokers can protect against data loss. So what happens if a malicious user gets into your cloud? 

The first thing they will try to do is steal your data, and they will do this by masking their actions behind innocuous actions. Such as password resets or network scans.

So, how does a C-ASB protect you against these threats? It does this by monitoring all traffic entering or leaving the corporate network in real-time and enforcing all policy rules

So this includes things like detecting malicious attempts to use your SaaS applications, unauthorized connections, and more.

3. Protects Against Zero-Day Attacks

Cloud access security brokers can help you protect against zero-day attacks. So what’s a zero-day attack? 

A zero-day attack is an attack that exploits a previously unknown vulnerability in the software. It is to penetrate systems before developers have had time to patch it. 

Or before users have had time to install a patch for it. A good example of a zero-day attack was the WannaCry ransomware attack of 2017. Which infected over 300000 Windows computers within its first day alone.

But only 32 of these machines were patched for this vulnerability beforehand. So, this shows how dangerous zero-day attacks can be for enterprises and why C-ASBs is important for safeguarding against them.

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