Where Can a Network Security Work

Where Can a Network Security Work?

Where can a network security work? What are some of the fields that a person with this expertise can enter? And how do you get into this career? Find out below.

Where Can a Network Security Work?

There are many areas where network security can be of use. They include:

  • Internet Security  
  • Software Security   
  • Military Security  
  • Physical Security  
  • Information Security  

As you can see, the field is not limited to one area of work. Rather, it is a blanket term that covers many different disciplines that require knowledge in the areas of software, hardware, and networks. 

So, this is why it is important to get your degree in this area. You need to know the technology behind devices and how they operate. This will allow you to better understand their vulnerabilities and how to safeguard them. You also need to know network design and cabling so you can properly make plans for your network security measures.

How Do You Get Into Network Security Work?

There are many options for entering this type of work. It all depends on what your background is and where you live. The more credentials you have, the easier it will be for you to enter this field and advance in it as well. 

So, some options include:

  • Online Training. There are numerous online training programs available if you don’t have a degree but would like to get one in this area. This may be the best way for you to enter the field depending on your current employment status. However, these programs must be accredited by an independent body. So that they can be accepted by employers as being legitimate degrees.
  • Hiring By Employers. If you already have a degree or two, then there are jobs out there waiting for you in this area as well. Many companies need people with expertise in networks and security. So they will hire them if they already have these certifications or degrees under their belt
  • Internships. Many times employers will hire interns right out of school or college. Because they are cheap labor and want fresh eyes on their systems who don’t know everything yet. One that can give them new ideas about how things could change and improve.

Why Get Into Network Security?

Why, then, should you consider getting into this field? Well, the reasons are numerous. One, it is a growing field. As more and more businesses and people rely on computers and networks to do their work, there will be a greater need for security professionals to safeguard them. 

Two, the average salary for network security experts is over $86K. So you have a high-income potential as well. Three, there is always a demand for this type of work. Whether it is within businesses or government agencies or the military, you’ll never be out of work if you have this certification or degree under your belt.


 As you can see, it is important to get your network security degree. This is not a one-off course or certification that you can do in a few months. It takes many years of schooling and training to be able to enter this field and work.

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