Network Security and Application Security

What’s the Difference Between Network Security and Application Security?

Network Security and Application Security. Network security is a broader term than application security. It is an umbrella term that encompasses the various components of a network. And how they are configured, managed and secured. The different components that makeup network security are as follows:

Routers and switches
Intrusion detection systems (IDS)
Intrusion prevention systems (IPS)

An application security

An application security audit focuses on one specific application or product. This could be a server or application in use or an application that has been developed. The details of the architecture and the vulnerabilities of the application can be analyzed. Further, to ensure the functionality of the application is secure and the risks associated with it are minimized.

As part of this process, different threats are examined to ensure they are mitigated, if possible. These threats could include SQL injection, cross-site scripting and other vulnerabilities. Hence, that can leave the application exposed to data loss or other forms of attack.

There are many different types of security risks that can affect a network or an application. The type of risk that is assessed during the audit will depend on the business and IT needs as well as the technology implemented. Some of the common risks that are assessed in an audit include the following: Cyber terrorism Data loss/data leakage Denial of service (DOS) attacks Malware and viruses Brute force attacks Insider threats.

What is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing is a process by which vulnerabilities are identified within a network or system. Further, to determine if they can be hacked. It is often referred to as “pen testing” and is considered a black box test. Because it does not require any prior knowledge of the system or its inner workings. Pen tests are carried out in order to identify flaws in a system’s security. Often before the actual system is launched, or when there are changes to the way it operates.

Penetration testing should always be carried out by certified, experienced security auditors. Those who have passed rigorous qualifications and training and have several years of experience in this field. Penetration testing can be carried out on both public and private networks. And gives an accurate idea of how effective current security measures are. As well as highlighting potential weaknesses which can be addressed with additional measures.

What are VPNs?

VPNs are to create a private network over the internet. And they can be used to securely connect multiple devices. These devices can include mobile phones, laptops, and desktop computers. VPNs are often used by companies to connect all of their devices together.

This allows them to share files and information easily between employees without having to access a server on their network. VPNs can also be used for personal use by individuals who want to protect their privacy or who want to access websites that are blocked. VPNs are encrypted connections from one device to another, so all data is secure.

What is the Difference Between a Penetration Test and a Vulnerability Assessment?

A penetration test is performed on a system or network before it is actually put into use in order to reveal any security flaws in its design or implementation. A vulnerability assessment is performed after the system is put into use and its security flaws are known so that they can be addressed before they are exploited by hackers.

Penetration testing helps prevent the exploitation of vulnerabilities while a vulnerability assessment helps identify known vulnerabilities so they can be addressed before they result in any damage. It should be noted that penetration testing is considered to be more in-depth than a vulnerability assessment, so it will identify more security flaws within a system than a vulnerability assessment can do.

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