what is network security key in laptop

What is the Network Security Key in a Laptop?

Network Security Key in a Laptop. Network Security Key, we know as Network Password, is a secret code that is to authenticate a user on a network. It contains a set of characters that no one can guess. It comprises at least 6 characters and should contain both uppercase and lowercase letters along with numbers and special characters. The network security key is the same for all the users in the network. The network security key is stored in the /etc/security/passwd file.

Why the need for a Network Security Key?

The Network Security Key is required as it provides a mechanism to change the password of a user. This is done by performing a logon and changing the password. The user must enter the correct network security key to access the network. This network security key is also known as the network password. It is used in many organizations to provide a secure environment for their users. The network administrator can easily monitor and control the network by using this network security key.

Best Practices for Laptop Network Security Key

Network administrators should follow these best practices while working with a laptop:

1. Use strong passwords:

The best practice for a network administrator is to make sure that he is using a strong password. If the password is too weak, then it can easily get hacked. A good rule of thumb is that a network security key should have at least 12 characters and include both uppercase and lowercase letters along with numbers and special characters.

2. Store the network security key in a safe place:

The network security key should be stored in a secure place. It should not be writable by other users. It should have read/write access only to the user who needs to change his password or any other user who wants to create a new account for another user in the network.

3. Never share your network security key with anyone:

Never share your network security key with anyone. If you have to share the network security key, then make sure that it is encrypted.

How to Change Network Security Key in a Laptop?

Change the Network Security Key in a Laptop using a GUI:

1: Open the “System Preferences”. 

2: Click on the “Users & Groups” option on the left side panel of the window. 

3: Now click on “Login Options” in the upper right corner of the screen. A window will pop up with an option to change your account password. 

4: Enter your old password and then enter a new password and re-enter it in the second box as well. You can also check the “Remember this password in my keychain” box to enter your old password once when you log in to your account next time. Then click on “OK”.
5: Restart your computer and log in using your new password to access your system.
6: If you want to change your network security key, then follow these steps:

a. Click on the Apple logo in the top left corner of your screen and then click on “System Preferences”.
Step b: Now click on the “View” menu and then click on “Show Network Paths”.
Step c: In the left panel, you can see a list of files with the extension “.plist”. Double click on any of them to open it.
Step d: You can change your network security key from this file. Save the file and close it.
Step e: Restart your computer to implement the changes.


Network Security Key is an important part of a network. It is a must for the user to access the network. It should be safe in a secured location and handled with care. Network administrators should follow these best practices while dealing with the network security key.

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