What Is SASE Mail?

What Is SASE Mail?

What is SASE mail? What are the main functions of SASE? And how can your company take advantage of this kind of technology? Let us find out below.

What Is SASE Mail?

Secure access service edge or SASE refers to a mechanism used to protect enterprise information from attack by malicious intruders. SASE is normally implemented as a router that inspects the packets that are being routed to the internal network. Then, it can be implemented as a router that inspects the packets that are being routed to the internal network. 

There are three main functions of SASE mail:

1. Traffic Filtering. This is the most commonly used function of SASE mail. A router will inspect the packet that is coming to the network. And then check if it contains some malicious code such as viruses, worms, and other unwanted content. The router will then block this packet if it contains one of this malware.

2. Traffic Shaping. This function works by controlling the flow of packets that are being passed through the network, preventing them from being forwarded onto other networks. The SASE mail can then be used to control which websites can be accessed or blocked by employees or customers. This may be for different reasons such as security or filtering out offensive content.

3. Deep Packet Inspection (DPI). This function allows routers to scan through packets that are passing through it. And then search for a certain keyword or pattern, blocking packets that contain such keywords or patterns. This way, users can be prevented from visiting any questionable website they want to visit. Such as pornographic websites and other websites that contain offensive content.

How Can Your Company Take Advantage of SASE Mail?

Enterprises can use SASE to protect their networks from unwanted traffic that might contain malicious codes or viruses. By filtering out unwanted traffic and preventing them from entering your company’s network, you can make sure that there is no malware inside your enterprise’s network. 

This could potentially damage your company’s data or computer systems and cause loss of vital information. Something which no company should ever risk happening in their business operations.

Then, when your company hires new employees, they might want to monitor their internet traffic to make sure that they are not accessing anything inappropriate or illegal. This is the work of SASE.

By using SASE, your company can make sure that employees are not visiting any websites that will affect their professional performance. Such as pornographic websites and other websites that contain offensive content.

Moreover, this is also a security feature for your business because it can prevent any malicious code from getting into your network. Which could potentially damage your company’s data or computer systems and cause loss of vital information. Something which no company should ever risk happening in their business operations.


As you can see, it is very important to protect your company’s data and systems from any harmful code that might be lurking on the internet. And the best way to do so is by using Secure Access Service Edge or SASE.

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