What is Bot Free in Cyber Security?

What is Bot Free in Cyber Security?

As cyber-attacks continue to increase, the number of automated attacks also grows exponentially. Are you ready to ward off these malicious activities?

There are now over 25 million bots running around the Internet, creating havoc for unsuspecting users. While they act as useful tools for certain tasks on the web, they can cause damage too. Some even commit cyber crimes.

This malicious software is often (but not always) programmed to do something that benefits the creator and not the user.

So, it’s best to remove them from your computer as soon as possible.

Bot Free makes sure botnet activity stays outside. It is a smart anti-botnet defense solution that detects, prevents & removes botnet-infected computers and servers from the network. It is an extremely effective defense against botnets, malware, phishing attacks, spam, DDoS attacks and other online threats.

Bot Free uses real-time behavioral analysis to identify bot activity in your network. It identifies bots on your network within minutes of detection so that you can take action before it is too late.

Bot Free gets in at the gateway of your network (or behind your firewall) so that it can block any unwanted traffic coming in or out of your network. Bot Free also often focuses on certain protocols such as SMTP – which is for e-mail traffic – or web traffic.


It has a few limitations:  it may block legitimate bots, and it may trick some sophisticated bots. And it will not stop zero-day bot attacks with unknown payloads. However, Bot Free can be useful alongside other security solutions to provide complete protection against botnets.

Bot Free detects the following botnet activities:


Many bots are ready to send out millions of unsolicited e-mails like advertisements or virus-infected attachments. This can clog up your server with unwanted messages and even crash your system if you don’t have sufficient memory or bandwidth for all this traffic.

Bot Free keeps a careful watch over all SMTP traffic coming into your system and immediately blocks anything from a known spammer or having invalid authentication information such as a missing or invalid HELO command.

Web Attacks:

Bots often attack websites by performing SQL injections to extract sensitive data. These may be passwords or credit card details or they may cause denial of service attacks. Further, by flooding the website with requests until it collapses under a load of all this traffic.

Bot Free will detect such activities and stop these malicious bots from causing any further damage to your websites.

Botnet Infected Computers:

A botnet is a group of computers infected by the same malicious software (malware). The malware then controls these computers from a central location usually via IRC channels or other online channels.

Bot Free will detect any infected computer on your network and remove it from the botnet. It will also prevent any new computers from infection.

Botnet Traffic:

Botnets often create DDoS attacks, send spam or steal information from other computers. Bot Free will detect and block any traffic associated with a botnet. And keep your network safe from these malicious activities.

This is why you should use Bot Free with all its features on your network:

Real-Time Protection:

Bot Free automatically detects bots and stops them in their tracks. There’s no need to schedule scans or wait for updates because it is always up-to-date with the latest malware signatures and behavior patterns.

Bot Free always runs in the background and automatically protects your system. You can set up alerts for specific events on your network so that you are immediately notified of any malicious activity taking place.

Bot Free automatically updates its signatures in real-time to protect against all new botnet attacks without you having to do anything at all!

Highly Configurable:

You can control which ports can get through your network. Also, what type of traffic do you allow and which properties you analyse when identifying bots. This ensures that Bot Free only focuses on relevant threats while ignoring harmless traffic generated by legitimate bots like search engines or news site crawlers.

This also gives you an extremely high level of granular control over what is allowed through and what is blocked on your network.

Anti-Virus & Anti-Malware:  

Bot Free monitors everything coming into your system, blocking all malicious traffic before it reaches your computers or servers. This helps protect against malware that can’t be identified by current anti-virus software (such as zero-day malware).

Zero Overhead And Simple To Use:

Unlike other security solutions, Bot Free runs in the background without causing any performance impact to the systems being protected as it doesn’t have any signature updates, scheduled scans or firewall rules that need to be configured and maintained by you.

Additionally, its highly configurable rules allow you to fine-tune exactly what should be blocked & allowed across your entire network so that you can make sure only authorized traffic gets into your system & none of the malicious traffic slips through undetected!

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