What Is an SWG Tool

What Is an SWG Tool?

What is an SWG tool? What are the purposes and functions of this tool? If this topic interests you, then keep on reading below.

What Is an SWG Tool?

A secure web gateway or SWG tool is a network security device that is used to protect the entire network from the threats that are coming from the outside world. It also makes sure that all the employees are using the internet safely and securely at all times.

Moreover, it uses a filtering technology that is capable of blocking any type of malicious activity that is taking place on the internet. It also prevents any attacks from being directed toward your network. Whether they are coming from other networks or even your employees.

This filtering technology makes sure that all the data packets, emails, and attachments are screened as they enter or leave your network. Some SWG tools also have capabilities that allow them to encrypt information on wireless networks. This is especially very useful if you want to give your employees the option to use mobile devices to access your network. All while they are away from their workstations.

Then, it sends back an alert if it detects any suspicious activity in your network. This will allow the IT department to take immediate actions to fix the problem before it becomes too big to handle. Some tools even have features where they can send out warnings by email or text message for added security.

Further, the SWG tool is one of a kind in the sense that it is not only able to keep intruders out of a network. But it can also keep an eye on your users. It can track their internet usage. And then make sure that they are not planning any illegal activity while they are at work. Such as viewing pornographic websites or downloading copyrighted material.

Other Functions of an SWG Tool

An SWG tool can detect if there is any suspicious activity going on within the company’s network. Such as unauthorized users accessing someone else’s account or trying to access privileged information. The IT department can then decide on what course of action needs to be taken. This depends on what has been detected by the tool.

Moreover, the SWG tool does not only serve as an intruder blocker. But it also serves as a monitor for communications inside a company’s network. As well so that private information and data do not leak out into the public domain without proper authorization. 

Further, this tool checks for incoming and outgoing emails, IMs, FTPs, P2P traffic, and other forms of communication directed towards and coming from a company’s network. So that sensitive information does not end up in the wrong hands. Thus, protecting you from any damage in the future.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, an SWG tool is a great device to have in your network. It is a very effective, efficient, and powerful way to protect your company’s network. And it will be a great investment for any company that wants to protect their investment. While at the same time giving their employees the freedom to use the internet without having to worry about anything.

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