What are the 3 types of data loss prevention?

What Are the Mechanism of Data Loss Prevention?

Read about what are the mechanism of data loss prevention? 

Data Loss Prevention Overview

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is a mechanism used by companies to ensure that sensitive information is not lost, accidentally, or malicious. The most common solutions are securing the network (firewalls, intrusion detection, IPS). This includes data at rest (encryption) and in transit (IPSec, SSL, Web Security gateways).

DLP can be implemented in a few different ways. The most difficult part of any DLP strategy is finding the right balance between security and privacy. A company’s customers want to know that they can trust their data with the company.

Then the company’s employees must feel comfortable using their computers to do their jobs. An example of Data Loss Prevention is a web filter that prevents access to a website containing pornographic material.

What is the DPL in Cloud Computing?

Data loss prevention (DLP) is a technology and a process used to protect data. That is by monitoring, detecting, and preventing unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, and destruction of data. Also, the goal of DLP is to prevent confidential information from being viewed or stolen while allowing authorized users access to the data they need.

DLP can be implemented in a few different ways:

 1. Perimeter protection: A firewall or router prevents unauthorized traffic from entering the network. 

 2. Data at rest: Data is encrypted using strong cryptography, such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Triple DES, or Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4). 

3. Data in motion: If data moves over a network, it is protected using IPSec, SSL, or Web Security Gateways.

4. Content Filtering: Web page content is scanned for sensitive information. So, if anything suspicious is detected it can be blocked from being displayed. 

5. File Screening: Files that are uploaded to servers are screened for sensitive information. So, this can be done by using file name pattern matching. Also, by comparing file contents against a database of known sensitive information (e.g., Social Security numbers), or by scanning the file contents for patterns (e.g., credit card numbers). 

5. User Awareness: Users are made aware of the sensitivity of the data they are holding and are trained on how to handle and protect it appropriately.

Security and Data Encryption in Cloud Computing

Data Encryption provides businesses with even more secure file sharing, file backup, and other storage solutions for their data in the cloud. So, the Secure File Sharing Platform helps enterprises control, monitor, and secure file sharing across multiple clouds and sites. Also, the result will be a more robust offering that provides enterprises with unprecedented visibility into who has access to their critical files.

This is across clouds and shares large files securely over email or mobile devices. Also, it provides strong encryption for file backup and storage and helps prevent data loss. Hence, that is by pinging users when files are accidentally deleted or moved off-site.

The enterprise-class solution offers security features like HIPAA compliance and 256 AES encryption. So, this is an auditing system that tracks where users are accessing critical files from. Also, it includes detailed reporting of all activity on critical files to administrators.

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