Using Secure Access Service Edge Strategies Like The Pros

Using Secure Access Service Edge Strategies Like The Pros

How do I get started using secure access service edge strategies like the pros?

Secure access service edge (SASE) is a new way to manage security at remote sites. SASE provides a centralized point of control for managing security policies across multiple devices. They also provide visibility into device usage and compliance.

SASE can be deployed in two ways: as a managed service or as a cloud solution. In either case, they require a dedicated team to implement and support them. If you want to start using SASE today, here are some things to consider before you begin.

1. Using Secure Access Service Edge Strategies Like The Pros: Understand the Challenges of the Network

First, you need to understand what challenges you are trying to solve by using a secure access service edge. This can help you determine the right solution for your organization.

2. Map Your Topology

In order to solve security challenges, it is imperative that you first know where your devices are located on your network. You also need to understand what business services these devices offer and how they connect to other devices in the enterprise.

3. Understand How It All Works Together

Some of the challenges commonly found in enterprise networks include distributed networks with multiple IT departments; end-users who have a wide variety of devices and applications; remote sites with limited IT resources; and a lack of visibility into security policies across devices.

A solution like SAS can help you address these challenges and more through a combination of an agentless management solution and an analytics engine for providing real-time visibility into devices and user activity on the network.

4. Know Your Options

There are two ways that you can deploy SASE: as a managed service or as a cloud service (also known as virtual SASE). Managed SASE provides local control over the deployment while allowing you to benefit from cloud capabilities like policy management, reporting, and analytics capabilities built into the solution.

Cloud SASE is available as Software-as-a-Service; it requires no additional hardware or software beyond Internet connectivity, and no internal resources are required to maintain or manage it.

5. Identify Your Requirements

Before beginning, you need to define your requirements for SASE so that you can choose the right solution for your organization. For example, if you want to provide protection for specific applications or a specific set of users, SASE supports that.

In addition, if you want to be notified when compliance violations occur or when a user fails to connect by configuring alerting policies, it also supports that functionality as well. Finally, if you want to use existing infrastructure instead of deploying new hardware for SASE, both options support that too!

6. Plan Your Implementation Strategy

Once you have decided on the best option for your organization, you need to deploy it. Depending on your deployment method (managed or cloud), this will vary slightly but will generally include setting up an Azure subscription and deploying Virtual Machines (VMs).

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