Us and Secure Web Gateway

Us and Secure Web Gateway

Us and secure web gateway. How are we affected by this tool and what benefits can we enjoy from it? Let us know below.

Us and Secure Web Gateway

The majority of people are not familiar with what a secure web gateway (SWG) is. But in reality, we are affected by it. Every time we share personal information with e-commerce sites, online banks, and more, we benefit from the SWG. How? Because it is an additional layer of security that will protect our private information that is sent to their servers.

Due to the increasing number of online crimes, any organization that deals with a lot of financial transactions is required to make use of a secure web gateway. This is for the protection of their client’s personal information. The SWG offers enhanced security by filtering traffic, detecting attacks, and also protecting users’ data.

Furthermore, all of the traffic in and out of the network gets filtered. It also protects the organization’s assets from possible cyber-attacks and data theft. To ensure data privacy, you can get SWG to safeguard your valuable information from hackers.

Moreover, it is a gateway that prevents unauthorized access and protects the organization’s assets from possible cyber-attacks and data theft. And it also offers advanced firewalling capabilities for PCI compliance.

Additionally, SWG offers top-notch security by allowing traffic filtering, detecting attacks, as well as keeping users’ data safe. This can be done by blocking private IP addresses or by dropping all packets from specific addresses.

Secure Web Gateway and Online Threats

Before SWG was introduced to the world, online threats were getting more serious than ever before. In the year 2000, famous cyber attacks like Code Red and Nimda were launched. Since then, numerous forms of viruses and malware have emerged. In fact, one of the most notorious online threats is ransomware.

In May 2017, WannaCry ransomware affected almost 200,000 users around the globe. It was a paid form of cyber-attack that encrypts files on your computer and then demands money in exchange for the decryption key. Another one is the infamous Petya virus which infected over 10 million computers worldwide.

These viruses are capable of not only stealing information from your computer but also destroying it completely. Over the years, such threats have caused millions of dollars worth of damage to companies’ global operations.

To protect their clients from such attacks, organizations use SWG to safeguard valuable information from hackers. And also prevent unauthorized access to its servers.

Although SWG is a powerful tool in securing your online business, it is not a magic wand that will instantly make you compliant with PCI standards. It’s because there are other factors that you need to consider. For example, you need to update your network devices with the latest security patches. So that they can protect your servers from external threats.


A secure web gateway has helped a lot in making our online experience safer. This is by protecting us from online threats and preventing unauthorized access to our data. To learn more about this tool, you can find more articles about this topic on this website.

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