secure web gateway vs proxy server

Things You Didn’t Know About Secure Web Gateway Vs Proxy Server

Secure Web Gateway Vs Proxy Server – What’s the difference between them? Which should I choose? We will know the difference.

I know how it feels to be confused about the difference between a web gateway and a proxy server.

I’ve been there myself, but I’m here to save you from making the wrong decision.

Let’s just get straight to the facts.

What Is A Proxy Server?

A proxy server is basically a middleman. It sits between your computer and your internet connection. Also, it resides on your company network and acts as a go-between for all your traffic.

It can be to restrict access to certain websites and enforce security policies like authentication, encryption, and geo-location. It can also block access to any website that is not available on the company’s network.

In short, a proxy server is a software application that handles internet requests on behalf of other programs or users. It hides the identities of the user and computer making the online request. It can also cloak their IP addresses. Its main purpose is to control internet traffic by removing any sensitive information from it. Even before allowing it in or out of your network.

This is by using encryption, authentication, and filtering. As such, it doesn’t really allow for any content manipulation or modification of your requested data.

What Is A Web Gateway?

A web gateway is a very similar but more advanced solution than a traditional proxy server. It is like an advanced firewall that can work in tandem with proxy servers. By acting as an additional layer of protection for your business’s private network. Especially, from malicious attacks originating from the internet or from other computers on your own network.

It also has additional features that allow you to perform content manipulation. Such as rewriting URL links, modifying HTTP headers, scanning malicious code and blocking unwanted websites. While allowing specific websites through its filters with just one click if needed.

Therefore, it provides complete management over traffic entering or exiting your network with no special programming skills required on your part.

For many companies who don’t want to deal with maintaining their own software security systems, web gateways are extremely attractive because they can be configured via a web-based user interface which makes them easy to use and very secure in their processing of data due to their robust configuration options and ability to be configured specifically for each business using them. In short, they provide all the benefits of proxy servers plus much more.

In summary, web gateways are proxies with extra features that allow for content manipulation and shaping in addition to encryption, authentication, and filtering.

Conclusion: Secure Web Gateway Vs Proxy Server

Although it is true that both of these solutions can be configured to provide the same services, it should be noted that their core functionality is different. a proxy server is designed to provide network security and privacy while a web gateway is designed to provide network security, privacy and content manipulation.

It’s also worth noting that while they can be used together as well, they are not meant to replace each other. For example, a web gateway would never be able to perform the advanced filtering and traffic manipulation that a proxy server can do for your business’s private network.

Likewise, a proxy server would never be able to provide the advanced content manipulation and traffic shaping features that a web gateway offers. Having said this, both solutions have their own benefits and drawbacks that you should consider when choosing one over the other for your business’s needs.

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