Secure Web Gateway That Wins Customers

The Simple Secure Web Gateway That Wins Customers

The simple secure web gateway that wins customers. What is this? Does this sound interesting to you? If so, then read on.

The Simple Secure Web Gateway That Wins Customers

The simple secure web gateway (SWG) that wins customers refers to a solution that is easy to implement, easy to manage, and easy to support. It does its job quietly in the background by:

  • Preventing the bad stuff from getting in or out of the network
  • Ensuring that the good stuff gets in or out of the network
  • It does this with a minimum of fuss.

So, it doesn’t need layers of management or complicated maintenance. It’s just there doing its job, acting as a traffic cop and ensuring that everything is as it should be. Not requiring much attention, not causing headaches, and not blocking anything.

It’s so unassuming you could almost forget it was there. But you won’t because you’ll be getting your users to tell you how great it is. They’ll be telling you how they can access their favorite websites without any problems. And also on how they can download their favorite apps without any issues. 

Moreover, they’ll be telling you they can download music, play online games and watch online videos without any hassle. They’ll be telling you how happy they are that they have a business class broadband connection for their home or office network. Then, delivered via fiber optic cable to their building. Thus, ensuring high-quality connectivity for everyone on the network all the time.

Secure Web Gateway That Benefits Your Business

It also lets you do other things too like:

  1. Prevent data loss by encrypting data in motion as it leaves the company and decrypting data at its destination. Thus, keeping information private wherever possible. 
  2. Ensure data integrity by protecting against denial of service attacks. One that can cause significant disruption to business continuity. This is by preventing a website from loading or preventing access to an application via the internet. 
  3. Provide advanced security features such as authentication. And authorization of users against lists of approved individuals and devices on your network. This prevents unauthorized access to applications such as online banking or corporate email systems. And also prevents unauthorized use of bandwidth-hogging applications
  4. Helps prevent hackers from accessing corporate networks by blocking known bad addresses (IP addresses). This is using source address validation technologies based on routing information gathered from Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
  5. Limits denial of service attacks using failover mechanisms. This includes multiple Internet connections with automatic failover if a connection fails or becomes unusable.
  6. Enhances security by log analysis and providing full packet capture. This enables the analysis of information relating to potential threats, misuse, and other security-related events

So, do all this for you. You don’t need to do it yourself. It simply does it for you. This way, you can focus on growing your business, not fighting fires or dealing with network or Internet issues.

Final Words

As you can see, it is very important to implement a simple secure web gateway that wins customers. Because it does the job for you. It means you don’t have to. So, you have more time to devote to other things like running your business.

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