network security concepts

The Next Best Things to Immediately Do About Network Security Concepts

What is network securityconcepts? Network security refers to the protection of information systems from unauthorized access or damage. 

Network Security Concepts

The basic of network security is Network Security Concept. This includes Network Security Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Types of Attacks. Network security threats are any circumstance that may cause damage to computer systems or information.

Some common network security threats include Trojans, Viruses, Worms, Spyware/Adware, and Rootkits. Also, this extends to Bots/Botnets, Phishing attacks, Denial-of-service attacks, Password Cracking, and Social Engineering.

A vulnerability is a weakness of the network that may cause damage to the network or its information. Some common network security vulnerabilities are:

1. Unsecured access points (public Wi-Fi)

2. IP Spoofing, Unsecured Wireless networks

3. Weak passwords

4. Missing patches on Operating Systems (OS)

5. Malicious insiders/employees and Insecure Software

Network Security Concepts: Attacks

An attack is a method of obtaining unauthorized access to a computer system or its information. So, some common network security attacks include Network Sniffing and Wireless Hacking. Also, attacks can be classified into different categories based on their method of operation.

These categories include Man-in-the-middle (MITM), Denial-of-service (DoS), Spoofing, and Phishing attacks. Also, types of attacks are mainly divided into two main categories: Internal and External attacks. So, these categories include Insider attacks and outsider attacks.

Moreover, an insider attack refers to an instance in which an employee or contractor with authorized access to a system. So, it uses that access to attack the system or its data. Thus, an outsider attack is any instance in which an intruder gains unauthorized access.

This is by exploiting a flaw in the system’s security controls or through social engineering techniques such as phishing or vishing (voice phishing).

Network Security Controls

Network security controls are the methods used to secure a computer system from damage or unauthorized access. So, some common network security controls include Strong passwords, Firewalls, and Antivirus software.

Network security solutions are the techniques used to protect a computer system from damage or unauthorized access. Also, some common network security solutions include Virtual Private Networks (VPN), and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Thus, a Network Security Audit is an examination of the present state of the security of the network and its components.

Moreover, this audit involves a systematic analysis of the security measures, These includes systems, processes, policies, procedures, etc.) that are in place at a given time. So, the purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the security measures to see if they are effectively protecting information.

This is from unauthorized access or damage. Also, this is referred to as an Information Security Audit. For an organization to be able to secure its network, it must first understand what its network is being used for. Also, who is using it and how they are using it.

Once the organization understands its network usage, it can begin to establish policies and procedures. Since this will enable it to secure its network from unauthorized access or damage. These policies are commonly referred to as Standards.

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