The Hidden Mystery Behind Secure Web Gateway

The Hidden Mystery Behind Secure Web Gateway

Do you want to know the hidden mystery behind secure web gateway? If so, then you are in the right post. So, keep on scrolling below.

The Hidden Mystery Behind Secure Web Gateway

The hidden mystery behind a secure web gateway or SWG is that it is a combination of firewall and VPN (Virtual Private Network). This helps the company to protect its data from being stolen, corrupted, or destroyed.

In addition to it, it also protects the private and sensitive information of the users from hackers. How does this work?

SWG works by separating the traffic into two different paths. The first path is through the internet directly to the target server and the second path is from the firewall to the VPN server. The traffic is then forwarded to the target server.

The traffic sent through the VPN is encrypted and decrypted by using pre-shared secret keys. The encryption and decryption keys are stored on both ends of the communication. Thus, this makes sure that the data is safe from any unauthorized access.

Moreover, the SWG protects only the web traffic, not email traffic. It also gives the advantage to create firewall rules based on applications, users, groups, time of day, and also geographical location.

What Does SWG Protect?

Companies usually use secure web gateway (SWG) services to protect their data from both internal and external threats. Firstly, it protects any kind of sensitive information on remote servers or databases from being stolen by hackers or other unauthorized users. It also shields users from phishing emails, spam emails, and malicious sites or attacks.

Then, it prevents any kind of virus attack or infected system that may cause interruptions in business. It also prevents remote access systems from being attacked by hackers and malware due to vulnerabilities in systems. And protocols used by remote access tools such as virtual private network (VPN), terminal services, etc.

Moreover, it prevents DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks) and other types of cyberattacks that can cause harm to databases and infrastructure. It then protects against spoofing attacks. One that can result in stealing important information. Such as usernames and passwords from employees by imitating Bank’s site, social media site, etc.

Further, it protects the company’s access points from unauthorized use. This may lead to loss of sensitive information or disruption in business continuity due to network latency issues. This is caused by high traffic on the network because of the simultaneous use of public Wi-Fi hotspots.

Additionally, this protects a company’s reputation by preventing the leakage of sensitive information. Such as customer data, share prices, and more. This may result in financial loss for the company or even legal actions against it by customers or regulatory agencies. That is if they get aware of it before it is made public. 

Finally, it enables the company’s employees to securely connect with their office PCs remotely through the internet. So that they can work from anywhere at any time without worrying about security issues.


As you can see, it is very beneficial for companies to protect their data from threats. And by using SWG, they can protect their data while using the Internet. So, it is better to use SWG to secure your data without bothering about its safety.

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