The Firewall Service In SASE

The Firewall Service In SASE

How does SASE implement the firewall service for their client? What are the benefits of adopting this firewall service? These are the things we should consider.

What Is Firewall Service In SASE?

The SASE accelerator is a device developed by Sandvine Inc. It is intended to apply network management in a given network.

 To do this, this device uses various techniques and applications to be able to provide the best service for its clients. One of the applications uses is a firewall service that it has been providing since 2011. 

With this firewall, SASE can ensure that its clients will have better protection for the incoming and outgoing traffic of their network.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Firewall Service In SASE?

The main benefit of using the firewall service is that it will be able to protect the client’s network. Protect from any risks that can harm its overall performance. 

The risk includes hacking attempts as well as malware attacks. If they are not protected. These risks can even cause damage to the client’s network and disrupt its overall performance. 

To put it simply, it will affect the productivity of your business if you don’t have your network properly secured by a firewall service such as SASE.

How Does SASE Firewall Service Work?

To be able to protect the client’s network from any risks, SASE uses a firewall service. So this will allow the client to have better protection against hacking attempts and other risks such as malware. 

The firewall that SASE uses is called “NetShark”.

How Do They Implement Firewall Service?

The firewall in SASE works with a set of tools that are designed by Sandvine Inc. To avoid any risks and threats, SASE uses these tools to ensure that its clients’ networks will be protected from any risks. 

Among the main tools that Sandvine Inc. uses are “Flow Sentry”, “Flow Reporting and Analysis”, and “Flow Monitoring”. These tools are used by SASE to help them implement the firewall service for its clients. 

These tools will help SASE to determine if there is any threat in the network of their clients. And there is also an indication that any activity is happening in their network. 

They can also block these risks as much as possible so that they can avoid any damage to their client’s network. The process of implementing the firewall service in SASE is done by the following three steps:

1. Verify the traffic through a sample that is taken randomly from the network of your client. 

2. After the sample has been taken, the data will be analyzed thoroughly through Sandvine’s Flow Monitoring tool. 

3. When Sandvine Inc. gets all of the data, they will be able to identify whether there is a risk in your client’s network or not. 

If they find any risk, they will then block it or they will just simply inform your client of this risk. So that they can take action on it immediately to prevent further damage to their network.

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