why use a secure web gateway

The Best Things About Why Use A Secure Web Gateway

Why Use A Secure Web Gateway? Are you looking for a secure web gateway solution? If yes, then you should check out these 8 reasons why you should choose a secure web gateway over other solutions.

1. Gateway to Gateway Security

The first thing that makes this solution better than the others is that the secure gateway is for security purposes. It basically functions as a proxy. And it is to filter traffic and make sure that there are no malicious activities happening. This is why you see many organizations using it to secure their web gateway or their internet gateway.

2. Cloud Security

In addition to being used as a security device, the gateway also provides cloud security solutions. You can configure it to work with cloud applications. And make sure that you can get access to these applications without worrying about security issues. The firewall blocks all types of attacks, even those coming from the inside. You can also use it to block users from accessing certain websites if necessary. And you can also use it to block internal users from accessing external networks if necessary.

3. Firewall Protection

You can deploy a firewall on your network by using the secure gateway. This is something that not all cloud solutions provide. So this is definitely a great advantage of using this type of service as your “smart” web gateway.

It allows you to create zones on your private network and even on your public network. Further, means that you will be able to configure it for different uses depending on your needs. No matter what kind of network you have, the solution will be able to help you manage it better. Especially when it comes to security purposes.

4. Monitoring And Reporting Capabilities

Another great thing about this solution is that it offers monitoring and reporting capabilities. Hence, will allow you to track all kinds of information related to your network traffic. You can also see which connections have been accepted or rejected over time. So you will know which connections are safe and which ones are not safe at all. Further, will allow you to make informed decisions about what to do next when something does not work as expected.

You will be able to see exactly what kind of activities are taking place over time and how this impact your network in terms of security, performance, etc., so this is definitely an important feature of this product.

5. Firewall Rulesenance

You can create firewall rules for your network using a secure web gateway. These rules will give you the ability to block certain activities and make sure that your internal network is always safe and secure. It also makes it easier to get rid of viruses that might have found their way into your network in the past, so this will allow you to improve your security and make sure that everything runs smoothly without any issues on your end.

6. Traffic Shaping

Traffic shaping is another thing that you can do with such a product, which means that you will be able to see exactly how much traffic is used by each IP address over time and determine whether there are any problems with any of them. You can also see how much bandwidth each IP address uses as well, so you can use this information to make sure that your network is running smoothly without any issues on your end. 

7. Traffic Analysis And Assurance

You can also use this service for traffic analysis and assurance purposes, which means that you will be able to see what kind of requests are being made by each IP address over time. This will allow you to determine whether something is wrong on your end and if some changes need to be made in order to make sure that everything works just fine without any issues on your part whatsoever. 

8. Best Security Practices And Policies

The last thing about using a secure web gateway for cloud-based applications is the fact that it will allow you to create the best security practices and policies for your organization. This is a great way to make sure that you are using the right solution for your needs, especially if you are working with an online business and want to make sure that everything is running smoothly without any problems at all.


In conclusion, if you are looking for a secure web gateway for cloud-based applications, then you should definitely consider using a secure web gateway. This solution is easy to use and it allows you to make sure that traffic on your network is filtered properly, which means that you will be able to see exactly what kind of traffic is used over time and how this might impact your overall performance whether for better or worse.

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