Network Security Ppt 2019

The 8 Best Things About Network Security Ppt 2019

Network Security Ppt 2019. The term “network security” refers to the protection of networks from unauthorized access or damage. This includes protecting computers, mobile devices, and other electronic equipment connected to the Internet.

Network security protects computer systems and the information they contain. It also protects any data traveling across a network. Network security is necessary because of the sensitive nature of networked computers. Without it, people could hack into systems to steal valuable information or damage the hardware.

Network Security Objective

Network security aims at protecting information and resources in a computer network from accidental or malicious access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. This is done by using a combination of hardware and software tools to identify and control access to network resources.

The most important thing in Network Security is the implementation of various security services that protect our network from various threats such as hackers, Trojans, worms, etc., that can affect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our system. The specific techniques used vary according to the type of network being secured.

Accidental or malicious damages

Network security can protect networks from accidental or malicious damage such as:

Denial-of-service attacks – Network traffic flood attacks where an attacker sends thousands of messages to the victim’s network resource that either consumes its resources or block legitimate traffic from reaching its destination

Hacking – Unauthorized access to network resources; also referred to as cracking

Malware – Malicious software designed to damage or disable computers without the owners’ consent

Phishing – Unsolicited e-mail designed to trick users into surrendering sensitive information such as passwords and credit card numbers

Viruses – Software that attaches itself to another program and spreads by inserting copies of itself into other programs

Spyware – Software that captures information about users without their knowledge and transmits it to another entity without their consent

Network Security Solutions

The Network Security Solutions for large organizations are available in three forms:

Network Firewall Solutions

A firewall is an appliance or software program that provides a barrier between an internal network and an external network, such as the Internet. It allows traffic initiated within the internal network out to the external one, but not vice versa.

Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS)

An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a collection of hardware or software tools that monitors network traffic for signs of malicious activity (such as port scans). Network intrusion prevention systems (NIPS) go one step further by making modifications to suspicious traffic so that it can’t be used in attacks against your network.

Network Antivirus Software

Antivirus software helps identify malicious code before it can infect your systems and cause damage. It can also help identify zero-day viruses that you haven’t yet heard about through virus signature updates sent out by vendors like Symantec and McAfee. These updates usually come out daily or weekly depending on how critical they are.

What is the difference between network security and internet security?

The term “network security” refers to the protection of networks (such as a local area network or LAN) from unauthorized access or damage. This includes protecting computers, mobile devices, and other electronic equipment connected to the Internet.

“Internet security” refers to protecting computer systems and the information they contain from accidental or malicious access through the Internet. This may include protecting websites from defacement or denial-of-service attacks. An Internet security breach can lead to problems with network security as well if there is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to move from the Internet onto a private network.

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