Bots Security Threat

The 6 Facts About Bots Security Threat

Are bots (also known as Robo-advisors) a threat to financial security? There are 6 facts about bots, including what they are, how they impact our lives, and how you can protect yourself from them.

Bots are a threat to financial security!

Bots are not one of the top five security threats to your financial security, but they are a threat.

The two most important things you can do to protect yourself from bots and other financial security threats are to be aware of them and guard against them.

If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, read on.

What is a Bot?

A bot is an automated program to identify and analyze information on the Internet. It also allows that information to be accessed or used by others. Bots will soon control a significant portion of the Internet, both the good and bad stuff that’s there.

Bots are often helpful around artificial intelligence (AI) and can be for good or evil purposes. They usually do lots of things at once and can operate 24-7.

Imagine a robot with lots of arms and legs! Bots are extremely quick in identifying what you want, how you want it, when you want it, how much you can afford to pay for it, how much profit you make from it, what books you read on it, what movies you watch about it, etc.

It may take you years to do this manually with your browser search engines like Google or Bing. But bots will do it quicker in the blink of an eye! This is why they’re such a threat to financial security!

For evil purposes

Not only that but bots can also be for evil purposes. They can steal your identity in order to send funds from your bank account without your knowledge or consent. They may also be as cyber-bombs that damage computer systems, causing chaos and confusion not only among Internet users. But also within government agencies and businesses around the world.

There have already been attempts at using cyber-bombs in recent years although none have been successful as of this writing (June 2017). If they had been successful the effects would have been catastrophic!

How to be safe

The best way to keep yourself safe from bot attacks is to stay alert when using the Internet. Install antivirus protection software on your computer and mobile devices where possible. And use a VPN service whenever possible so they can’t detect where you are or what websites you’re visiting.

If you don’t know what a VPN is then don’t worry; we explain that in the article as well, with some great recommendations on how to get started. 

6 Facts About Bots Are Not A Threat 

1. Bots are not a threat to financial security.

2. Bots are not one of the top five security threats to your financial security, but they are a threat.

3. The two most important things you can do to protect yourself from bots and other financial security threats is to be aware of them and guard against them.

4. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, read on.

5. If you’re still confused about what a “bot” is then read on for the explanation.

6. The best way to protect yourself from bot attacks is to stay alert when using the Internet, install antivirus protection software on your computer and mobile devices where possible, and use a VPN service whenever possible so they can’t detect where you are or what websites you’re visiting.

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