When Firewall Service Fails To Start

The 5 Best Things to Do When Firewall Service Fails To Start

When Firewall Service Fails To Start. As more and more people access the Internet from mobile devices, they also run into problems using their home network. Most of the time, those issues stem from outdated software or malware infections.

Even though your computer won’t crash, you’ll get annoying popups every time you try to connect. This can be especially problematic if your firewall fails to start properly.

The good news is that fixing these problems isn’t rocket science. Just follow these five simple steps:

The Best Things to Do When Firewall Service Fails To Start

Download and install a third-party firewall.

While Windows 7 and 8 have built-in firewalls, they don’t offer the protection you need in today’s connected world. Instead, look for an alternative in the Mac App Store or Google Play Store. Both Avast Free Antivirus and Comodo Firewall are great choices that won’t break the bank.

Look for updates to your home router.

Most routers are sold with out-of-date firmware, open ports, and other vulnerabilities that leave your PC vulnerable to hackers and malware infections. To fix this problem, head over to your router manufacturer’s website and look for a firmware update for your model number. In most cases, the download is free of charge.

Run a virus scan on your computer.

Even if you have a new firewall installed, a software bug or spyware infection can keep it from working properly – or prevent it from starting at all. To ensure that’s not the case with you, scan your PC with a reputable virus scanner like Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. If any threats are found, eliminate them as soon as possible.

Fix any problems with your Internet connection.

Here are some common causes of Internet connection issues:

Poor wireless signal: Make sure that your router is in an open area where there aren’t too many walls or obstructions between it and the computer you’re using to access the Internet. Also, try changing channels if you’re using wireless Internet access (most routers support up to three).

Bad Ethernet cables: Try swapping out any faulty cables with new ones – this should solve the problem right away (and could save you from having to purchase new cables).

Old router: If none of these other steps works, try testing your Internet connection on another device just to make sure that it’s not something wrong with the router itself (or its firmware). If everything works fine on another device, then you know it’s time for a replacement router.

Update all of your apps/software regularly.

Along with updating your operating system regularly (this includes both Mac OS X and Windows), make sure that you update all of your apps/software as well (including browsers like Chrome and Safari). This will ensure that everything is running at peak performance – including your firewall.

Additional help

If these steps don’t fix the problem, there could be something wrong with your computer itself. In that case, you may need to take it to a professional PC repair shop for a more thorough diagnostic.
If your computer is running fine, but you’re still having issues getting your firewall to start, contact the software’s support team (some are available 24/7). They may be able to give you some easy advice that can get everything working properly once again.

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