Super Easy Ways To Handle Your Extra Secure Web Gateway

Super Easy Ways To Handle Your Extra Secure Web Gateway

Is it safe enough to access public networks? Then there are the super easy ways to handle your extra Secure Web Gateway.

Super Easy Ways To Handle Your Extra Secure Web Gateway

Network threats and attacks are the main concern for both the administrators and users to access all the resources from a safe network. Security is not a one-time task, rather it is a continuous process. So if you want to protect your network then you must try an extra secure web gateway.

Due to the increase in cyber-attacks, encryption techniques are getting updated almost every day. Encryption is used to make your data safe from unauthorized access. A secure web gateway is a kind of virtual private network (VPN) that enables remote users to access various resources of an organization securely.

How Does Web Gateway Security Works?

Here we are going to discuss the ways to handle your extra secure web gateway:

Placement of Server

If you are using more than one server then you have to place all these servers in an isolated network. Special attention should be paid to server placement because a weak point in server placement can cause a serious disaster at last. All your security measures will go in vain if you ignore server placement. 

So never ignore server placement while handling your extra secure web gateway.

Dual Firewall Protection

Your extra secure web gateway doesn’t mean that it provides security. It also needs a firewall for better protection of your network from any malicious threat or attack. A firewall can prevent unwanted access from external sources and keep an eye on all activities inside your network.

This keeps an eye on data entry and exit from your system and prevents any outside intrusion. So for better protection of your extra secure web gateway, the firewall is also required.

VPNs and Encryption

VPN stands for the virtual private network. By using a VPN you can access the resources of an organization from any remote location. Due to its encrypted nature, it is very difficult to hack or crack a VPN.

So by using a VPN you don’t have to worry about any data entry or exit from your system. If you are using a public network to access your extra secure web gateway then you must use a VPN. It will keep your system safe from any unauthorized access.

Dual Firewall Protection is also another easy way to handle your extra secure web gateway. By using two firewalls, you can protect your network from any outside threat or attack. One firewall can be placed in the external network, while the other one is in the internal network.

This makes your system double strong and prevents unwanted access from external sources in an effective way. Encryption is one of the most useful security measures that can make your data safe from unauthorized access. Moreover, there are different types of encryption techniques available such as 128-bit encryption, and 256-bit encryption.

You must use proper encryption while handling your extra secure web gateway. Authentication is another easy and effective way to handle your extra secure web gateway. Hence, the basic function of authentication is to identify users to confirm that they have the right to access resources and applications inside the network.

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