Secure Web Gateway Features

Secure Web Gateway Features

What are some of the most useful and important secure web gateway features today? And how can you take advantage of these features? See below.

Important Secure Web Gateway Features

One of the most important secure web gateway (SWG) features is its ability to strengthen the security of web applications and websites. Companies like Amazon, Netflix, and even Google have been increasing the security of their web applications over the last few years. This is done by adding HTTPS as well as other security features.  

Some companies have also been adding an SWG feature that ensures that all employees who use these large services only use their company’s networks. And not public Wi-Fi hotspots while they are out at lunch or traveling on business. The SWG feature prevents employees from accessing these services during off-hours to avoid any possible security breaches.

The ability for businesses to keep the content of their websites private is another important SWG feature. Many businesses build their website with a public-facing website that allows customers and visitors to view certain information on their sites. Such as company news, customer reviews, etc. 

However, they may not want this information to be seen by everyone. By having an SWG feature in place, businesses can restrict access to certain information based on the IP address of the visitor.

Moreover, an SWG is also an important feature for small businesses. A lot of small business owners do not have a lot of IT support. And they may have a difficult time securing their websites and online transactions from hackers and online criminals.

So, an SWG provides small businesses with all of the same security features that large corporations enjoy. All without having to hire an IT expert or purchase additional software. This feature is just one that makes small business owners’ lives much easier. But it is also really important for protecting their online presence, both in terms of their brand image and in terms of financial transactions.

Other Secure Web Gateway Features

Another popular SWG feature is its ability to stop malware from entering your network or system through sites like Facebook, Twitter, and more. Malicious software often travels through email attachments or links sent through social media sites when you least expect it. By blocking these sites with SWG, you will greatly reduce your risk of falling victim to this type of attack.

Then, the ability for organizations to maintain control over the content that is displayed on their website is another popular SWG feature. Many organizations would like to display lots of information on their site. 

But they don’t want things like adult content or other inappropriate information displayed on the website to maintain brand integrity or keep their site family-friendly (think about banks or schools). So, an SWG can help in this area.


As you can see, using an SWG feature is a great way to make sure your website and any online transactions are secure. And if you are looking for more information about how an SWG can benefit your business, you can look for more articles on this topic on this website.

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