Secure Web Gateway Explained

Secure Web Gateway Explained!

Secure web gateway explained. So, if you want to know this information, then you have come to the right blog post. So, read on.

Secure Web Gateway Explained!

A secure web gateway (SWG) is a device that is used to secure the web traffic through it. In a way, it acts as a proxy between the client and the webserver. It can be used to filter the traffic and prevent any malicious activities from happening.

Then, the main feature of an SWG is that it uses SSL encryption to encrypt the data sent through it. This encrypts the data and makes it safe from any kind of attacks or malicious activities.

The main benefit of using an SWG is that it secures your network from any kind of threats by filtering out any unwanted traffic being passed through the network. 

Moreover, the SWG is also responsible for securing all the internet traffic flowing into your network. If you are thinking about buying SWG, then you should know what SWG contains and what kind of features it includes. Then, you should also know how these features work and how they can help you in securing your network effectively.

Secure Web Gateway Features

SSL Offloading

This is one of the most important features that an SWG must-have. This feature allows you to purchase fewer SSL certificates than before because now all the SSL encryption happens on SWG itself. So now you only need one certificate for protecting all your servers in your internal network. 

Also, if you are using cloud systems, then this feature will help you. Because now all your cloud traffic will pass through this device. So that it can be also protected from attacks and malicious activities.

URL Filtering

URL filtering is another feature that allows you to define what kind of URLs should be allowed or not allowed through your network. All before reaching your internal network or servers. This filtering will allow only those URLs which are defined by an administrator using the web browser interface of an SWG. 

Moreover, this feature can be used to block those websites which contain unwanted content. Such as pornography, gambling, or any other type of website which is considered illegal in some countries or states. 

Further, this feature can also be used to block certain files such as .exe files or .zip files as well. Because many malware programs are sent through these file types, blocking them can help in preventing any type of attacks on your networks and servers as well. 

WAF (Web Application Firewall)

A WAF allows you to protect your web servers against any type of attacks coming from the outside. This feature can be used to stop your webserver from being exploited by any kind of attacks or scripts being executed on it. 

Also, this feature can be used to block any type of SQL injection or cross-site scripting attacks. You can also use this feature to block any kind of unwanted traffic or requests such as denial of service (DOS) attacks. 

Moreover, WAF allows you to set up a filtering rule for each website hosted on your servers. So that you can protect the website against any kind of malicious activities and attacks. 

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