Secure Web Gateway Doesn't Have To Be Hard.

Secure Web Gateway Doesn’t Have To Be Hard. Read These Tips

How secure is your web gateway? Are you aware of the latest threats to your company’s network security? If not, read these 9 tips to ensure your web gateway is safe from cyber-attacks.

Web gateways are essential components of any enterprise network. They provide access to internal networks and data resources. In addition, they act as firewalls between the public Internet and corporate networks.

 With that said, here are the 9 tips to ensure your web gateway is secure from cyber-attacks.

1. Be Virtualized

A virtual web gateway provides several core benefits, including flexibility and scalability. By using a virtual solution, an organization can quickly and easily provision additional functionality without having to purchase additional hardware. A virtualized web gateway also makes it possible to allocate resources as needed.

2. Be Updated Regularly

One of the most essential strategies to keep the web gateway safe from cyber-attacks is to guarantee that it receives frequent upgrades.

3. Block Malicious URLs & Files

Web gateways are often used as an additional security layer between users and sites they want to access on the Internet. However, when compromised, safeguarding its users from dangerous sites and data will prove difficult.

4. Have Real-Time Security Information & Event Management (SIEM) Capabilities

The SIEM capabilities of a secure web gateway should include real-time malware protection and threat analysis capabilities with automatic updates sent directly to security management consoles and SIEM systems as soon as new threats come out on the public Internet.

5. Have A Whitelist Approach To Block List Updates

Instead Of Blacklisting To Ensure Maximum Protection From Cyber Attacks

A whitelist technique that allows only permitted traffic across the secure web gateway firewall will safeguard your firm from known cyber assaults.

Whitelisting is a considerably stronger method to access control than blacklisting, as the default is to prohibit things and only allow those that have been verified to be secure.

6. Use Endpoint Security To Block Malicious URLs & Files

For organizations that are able to implement endpoint security, blocking malicious URLs and files at the endpoint will further limit the threat of malware. This can significantly reduce the risk of malware infection compared to allowing users to download files from potentially malicious sites through a web gateway.

7. Deploy An Outbound Web Filter To Block Malicious URLs & Files Outbound

Similar to endpoint security, deploying web filter technology at the web gateway can reduce your organization’s exposure to cyber-attacks.

Using outbound filtering will help protect users from downloading malicious files when they try to access resources on external websites or when they use email to send files to others outside of your organization.

A good outbound web filter includes automatic updates sent directly to security management consoles and SIEM systems as soon as new threats come out on the public Internet.

8. Provide Real-Time Malware Protection With Automatic Updates Sent Directly To Security Management

It’s not uncommon for some organizations to have more than 100 updates per month! That’s why many organizations have automated their update processes through patch management systems.

9. Have An API To Integrate With Your Existing Security Systems API

By providing an API for integration with existing security systems, a secure web gateway can extend your organization’s ability to monitor and assess network activity associated with threats targeting your web gateway infrastructure.

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