Secure Access Service Edge vs Zero Trust

Secure Access Service Edge vs Zero Trust

Secure Access Service Edge vs Zero Trust. Both are important concepts to protect government and large enterprises from cyberattacks. However, with the advancement in technologies and the growing need for security, the concept of Zero Trust is gaining popularity.

Zero Trust is a relatively newer concept compared to Secure Access Service Edge. It is an integrated security model that restricts all external access to the organization’s network. This model helps in ensuring that all access to the organization’s network applications is monitored, controlled and audited. This allows the organization to detect unauthorized attempts at accessing its infrastructure.

With Secure Access Service Edge, the challenge lies in securing remote users and mobile devices outside of the organization’s network. Especially, as they connect to the organization’s applications through the Internet. This makes it difficult for an organization to control application traffic on its cloud platforms. Because these applications are accessible through diverse channels such as web browsers and mobile apps.

Thus, giving an attacker easy access to your data. These channels pose a challenge in protecting your enterprise from cyberattacks. However, with the Zero Trust security model, this problem can be addressed by implementing a set of network policies. Further, that actively monitors application traffic as well as limits access to internal resources. However, only upon completion of stringent authentication requirements and verification of user identity.

But what is Secure Access Service Edge?

Secure Access Service Edge is a cloud-based service that helps secure access to enterprise applications and data from the Internet. It deploys a secure network for accessing enterprise applications through remote users and provides protection against cyberattacks on application traffic.

As an end-to-end service, Secure Access Service Edge simplifies the deployment of application gateways and network security services at the perimeter of your organization’s network. Using this service, you can perform the following tasks:

1• Deploy application gateway appliances in low latency, high performance and multi-tenant environments to control access from the Internet to your organization’s applications.

2• Deploy SSL VPN (Secure Socket Layer Virtual Private Network) appliances for secure remote access to corporate networks using web browsers or mobile apps.

3• Deploy firewall services and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) to detect, prevent and mitigate advanced cyberattacks on your organization’s applications.

4• Deploy Web Application Firewalls (WAF) to automatically block malicious web requests from reaching your organization’s applications.

Secure Access Service Edge vs Zero Trust – Conclusion

Both are important concepts that help protect government, large enterprises and other organizations from cyberattacks. However, with the advancement in technologies and the growing need for security, Zero Trust is gaining popularity over Secure Access Service Edge. This is due to factors such as:

Zero Trust is an integrated security model that restricts all external access to an organization’s network while Secure Access Service Edge only limits access by external users/devices that connect via VPNs or extranets.

Zero Trust provides better protection against cyberattacks than Secure Access Service Edge because it provides visibility into all aspects of application communication and policy enforcement across diverse communication channels such as web browsers and mobile apps while Secure Access Service Edge can only monitor application traffic on VPN channels thus exposing your organization’s applications to cyberattacks by allowing attackers easy access through diverse channels such as web browsers and mobile apps.

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