Secure Access Service Edge Presentation

Secure Access Service Edge Presentation

In the presentation of secure access service edge, what are the following things you should include? An effective presentation will help people understand the topic. So let’s start.

Things You Include In Your Secure Access Service Edge Presentation

Here are the things you should include in your secure access service edge presentation.

Secure Access Service Edge Definition

What Is a Secure Access Service Edge? This is the first thing you should include in your presentation. A quick definition of secure access service edge will help people understand what you are talking about.

Secure Access Service Edge Functionality

After the definition, you should include the functionality of the secure access service edge. This is one of the most important things you should include in your presentation. Here are some points that you can include in your presentation.

Secure Access Service Edge Components

You should include some components and functions of secure access service edge in your presentation. It will help people understand what this system is.

These are some components and functions. You should include in your presentation as follow:

  • Secure Access Service Edge Network Components
  • Authentication server
  • Registration and attribute server
  • Logging and reporting server

Secure Access Service Edge Deployment Modes

Another thing that you should include in your presentation is the deployment modes of secure access service edge. Here are some different deployment modes:

  • Inline deployment mode

In this mode, the SASE is placed between the user and the trusted network. It is a point-to-point communication between the user and the trusted network.

  • Backhaul deployment mode

In this mode, the secure access service edge device is located at a point. It can communicate with both the user and the trusted network.

The user’s traffic is encrypted by the secure access service edge device and forwarded over an existing network to a trusted network.

Secure Access Service Edge Features

Next, talk about the features of the secure access service edge. What are the features that make it a crucial part of your organization’s IT infrastructure?

Include them in your presentation. This way, people will get to know more about secure access service edge.

Secure Access Service Edge Service Providers

What Are Secure Access Service Edge Service Providers? You need to mention this part, too. You’ve already included what is a secure access service edge.

So it’s not hard to include this part now.

But remember to explain what they do and how they work with organizations about access and security services.\

Secure Access Service Edge Threats

After you’ve done explaining what is a secure access service edge. You should include some threats that the system is susceptible to. 

For example, the people at the front desk may accidentally give out the password to other employees. You can also include some threats that are specific to your company.

For instance, you may mention the IT personnel. They might be responsible for giving out the passwords to other employees as well as hackers.

Or there could be some of your employees who are not allowed to use the system. But still, use it to access personal files.

These are examples of threats you should include in your presentation about secure access service edge.

But remember that there are lots of other threats. You need to make a list of them yourself and include them in your presentation. This way, people will get to know more about secure access service edge.

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