Prioritizing Your Secure Web Gateway to Get the Most Out of Your Business

Prioritizing Your Secure Web Gateway to Get the Most Out of Your Business

Prioritizing your secure web gateway to get the most out of your business is a great strategy. Why is this so? And how can you succeed with this?

Prioritizing Your Secure Web Gateway to Get the Most Out of Your Business

Prioritizing your secure web gateway (SWG) means that your company needs to have a specific goal in mind. While this is part of the larger process of selection, implementation, and usage, there are some more specific details to this process.

So, to start with SWG, you first need to have a business problem that you’re trying to solve. That could be security, productivity, or both. Regardless of the exact nature of the problem, you need to have some idea of what it is that you’d like to accomplish with an SWG.

You’ll want to look at your current environment and find out if any glaring weaknesses need to be addressed. In fact, many companies find that they aren’t even sure if they have a problem or not. So, they don’t know how secure they are or how safe their information is. This is a common situation and one that demands immediate attention.

If you’re not sure whether or not your company has a problem, treat it like you do have one until proven otherwise. There’s no sense in risking the integrity of your information by being complacent about it. Sure, you may be able to live with the status quo for a little while longer. But why play with fire when you don’t have to? So, prioritize getting an SWG in place before another hacker gets in and wreaks havoc on your network.

Why Prioritizing Your Secure Web Gateway Is Best?

An SWG will allow you to verify exactly what’s going on on your network. And it allows you to lock down important resources should they be found vulnerable. It will also tell you exactly which resources should be locked down. So that people can’t get into them without permission.

Then, the best way to find out what kind of vulnerabilities exist on your network is by using automated vulnerability scanners. These scanners will take a look at your network and server configurations and let you know just what’s going on. 

Moreover, most commercial software packages have this option so that you can easily scan your entire network from one central location. Also, you’ll want a scanner that will check for things like port scanning and operating system vulnerabilities. As well as web server vulnerabilities, improper file permissions, and denial-of-service vulnerabilities  

Many companies find that they don’t even know what assets they have out there on their network until they deploy an SWG solution. So, if your company hasn’t already done this type of inventory, now is probably the time to start doing it. You’ll want to inventory everything from servers and workstations to printers and copiers.


You never know when someone might come along and try to steal all of your backups or knock out your database server while they’re at it. So what does this mean? You will need SWG to protect your data assets.

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