how to stop a ddos attack

Network Security: How to Stop a DDoS Attack?

How to stop a DDoS attack? Learn how Secure Web Gateway Solution finds ways to protect you.

Cloud-based Security

Cyber threats are increasing day by day and enterprises are looking for the best possible ways to protect themselves from those threats. But most enterprises are not able to protect their business due to a lack of resources, budget, and other issues. Most enterprises are looking for a cloud-based security solution that will help them in meeting their business needs without any issues.

Endpoint Security Solutions

Trend Micro endpoint security delivers protection against malware, ransomware, zero-day, and other advanced threats on endpoints. It features next-generation sandboxing technology that can detect and block new threats in real-time. These solutions also provide visibility into your networks to ensure compliance with regulations, such as GDPR.

File Reputation Service

Trend Micro File Reputation Service (FFRS) is a cloud-delivered service that enables file reputation technologies. This is by using real-time data feeds to protect against malware, ransomware, and exploits in real-time.

Trend Micro Deep Discovery

Trend Micro Deep Discovery lets you see past, present, and future attacks. Also, it provides actionable intelligence on threats to your business with specialized detection of APTs, ransomware, GSM hijacking, cryptocurrency mining, and more. Deep Discovery stops the unknown.

Security Information and Event Management

DDoS is a cyber attack that involves a flood of fake traffic from many sources, which is sent to a single point of presence on the Internet. So, the purpose of this traffic flood is to disable the targeted system by consuming its resources. DDoS attacks are cyber-attack in which multiple compromised computers (botnets) flood the bandwidth.

This includes the resources of a targeted system or network to make it unavailable for its intended users. In recent years, DDoS attacks have become increasingly common in which thousands or even millions of systems are used to attack the target system. A DDoS attack is different from other types of cyber-attacks in that it uses multiple systems, often hundreds or thousands, to launch an assault on the victim site.

Each attacking system bombards the target with data packets, which depletes its resources and makes it unavailable for legitimate traffic. A successful DDoS attack can cause a website to crash and become unavailable both to its users and website administrators. The cost and complexity of conducting a successful DDoS attack have made it more likely that only experienced attackers can carry out such assaults.


The basic purpose of a DDoS attack is to disrupt normal business functions, so some attackers use their systems as bots (also known as zombies). These compromised systems are used to launch attacks on specific targets and take them down. This is by flooding their servers with requests until they are disabled or overloaded.

A botnet is created when a computer is infected with malware (Malicious Software). Also, this enables unauthorized access by someone outside the network. So, the botnet software may be installed through phishing or drive-by downloads through websites.

This includes vulnerabilities in unpatched software applications and operating systems. Once installed, these bots listen for commands from their master (the attacker) and launch an assault on the target when commanded to do so.

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