application control for small businesses

Network Security: Application Control for Small Businesses

Why application control for small businesses is vital? How can it prevent hackers from easily gaining access to sensitive information?

Application Control for Small Businesses

Cyber crimes are becoming more and more prevalent. In fact, according to the Federal Crime Reports, there was a reported 13% increase in cybercrime in 2013 alone. The problem with cybercrime is that the criminals are becoming more creative, while the methods they use to steal information become more sophisticated.

As a small business owner, you need to be sure that your network is safe from attacks. However, you do not have the time or resources to look into each possible security risk that you may have. That is why small businesses need to have application control.

Application control is the best way to ensure that your network is safe from attack.

Application Control Why You Need It?

Application control helps protect your network from cybercrime. It is software that can monitor traffic on your network and detect possible threats. The software can evaluate traffic and determine if it is a threat based on your company’s criteria.

However, some businesses do not always have the resources to set up this type of security software themselves. What they need instead is a managed service provider (MSP) who can offer them application control. This is without having to install any software or hardware themselves.

The benefits of using an MSP such as IT Total Solutions are numerous: They are the most cost-effective way for small businesses to protect their networks and data from cyber threats. They can offer you protection from common threats such as malware, spam, and phishing attacks.

They can also offer you protection from advanced security threats such as zero days and man-in-the-middle attacks. If you use an MSP like IT Total Solutions, your business will greatly reduce its potential for data breaches and costly lawsuits. You will also be able to get 24/7 monitoring of your business’s data.

It ensures that nobody else has access to sensitive information about your clients or employees. Lastly, an MSP can help protect your business’ reputation. This is by ensuring that any attacks are dealt with quickly before they become public knowledge. 

Your Business’ Cyber Security Depends on You

Businesses need to protect their networks from cybercrime. However, each business has different needs and wants when it comes to security. Some businesses may not have the resources available to install costly hardware and software such as an application control solution.

Application control for small businesses is one of the best ways for small businesses to secure their data from cybercriminals. There have been numerous cyber attacks on small businesses in recent years. In fact, according to a report by Experian, more than 60% of companies that suffered a data breach in 2013 had less than 250 employees! 

The problem with these attacks is that they are becoming more common. In fact, in just one year between 2012 and 2013, there was a 13% increase in reported cases of cybercrime! As a small business owner, you need to be sure that your business’ data is safe from attacks. 

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