Network Security vs Cloud Security

Let’s Know the Difference Between Network Security vs Cloud Security!

Network Security vs Cloud Security. In the following section, you will be able to understand the basics of network security and cloud security. Let’s get started!

Network Security

Network security is a new form of security. Further, that deals with the protection of computer networks from any unauthorized access or theft. It is also called “Data Security” or “Information Security”. It is a combination of policies, processes, and technologies that safeguard your data, networks and systems. This is different from physical security as it requires software and hardware solutions. Also, along with people and processes to protect the information in a networked environment.

There are a few layers of network security that help protect an organization’s data. These layers include the following:

Physical Security:

Physical security involves locking up servers or computers in a secure room so that they are not tampered with. It also includes securing storage devices such as tapes or drives with locks or passwords. So as to prevent any data loss due to theft or corruption.

Data Access Control:

Data access control prevents unauthorized access to sensitive data. Hence, by creating specific rules for controlling who can access what data and when they can access it. These rules can include username and password combinations, digital certificates, biometric identification devices, etc. 

Data access control allows organizations to control who can access the data on their network and how they can access it. It also allows them to define how much access each person should have within their organization. This type of control is very important in preventing internal threats. Further, from stealing sensitive data or tampering with files on your company’s network.

Data storage controls:

Data storage controls involve determining who should have access to certain types of sensitive data. Especially, on the company’s network and how they should be able to access it. Also, based on their job function within their organization. These controls not only ensure that sensitive data is secured. But also helps reduce the risk of internal fraud or theft.

Cloud Security

Cloud security is the way in which a company handles the security of its data. Especially, when it is stored on a cloud computing platform. Further, Cloud security comes in two forms. Security of the actual cloud service you are using and security of your data once it is stored on that cloud platform. 

These levels include encryption, user authorization, access control, logging, etc. A large number of cloud users have begun using these services because of their convenience and flexibility as well as their low cost and high-quality service. However, there are still many threats to your company’s data in the cloud that you need to be aware of before you begin storing your organization’s most valuable information on a third-party server.

Cloud Service Security Issues

The biggest threats to the security of your company’s data when it is stored in the cloud are:

Unencrypted Data:

When your customer’s data is sent over an unsecured connection, it leaves them vulnerable to hackers who can easily intercept and steal that data before it reaches its intended destination. For this reason, all sensitive data should be encrypted before it is sent over an unsecured network. 

Deletion or Modification of Data:

If a hacker gains unauthorized access to your customer’s account then they could delete or modify all of their files without any form of backup to restore them if necessary. This could lead to serious business problems for your customers if their files are deleted or modified in any way. Your customers will be reluctant to store sensitive information with you if there is no back-up available in case something happens to their account and they are unable to access their own data. 

Data Loss Due to Service Failure:

In many cases, customers lose access to their files during service failures due to outages or other reasons that cause the entire system to shut down unexpectedly. As soon as you realize that your customers have lost access because of one reason or another, you should immediately restore their files from a backup copy that has been kept offline until such time as it is needed so that no customer information will be lost.

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