Network Security 101

Let’s Get to Know Network Security 101 Better

Network Security 101 is a first-of-its-kind training resource for network security professionals. Further, to learn about network security in a simple, clear, and concise manner.

It is designed for use by all levels of information security professionals from mid-level managers and above. Network Security 101 is the only self-study training resource that:

1=Is designed for the entire InfoSec team, not just the security engineers
2=Teaches fundamental concepts in easy to understand language
3=Teaches how to apply those fundamental concepts to solve real-world problems
4=Teaches how to be an effective leader in the field of network security
5=Teaches how network security fits into the big picture of IT operations and business strategy

Is written by the Director of Security Research & Development at Rapid7, and the author of two books on network security

What is the goal of Network Security 101?

The goal of Network Security 101 is to give security professionals the foundational knowledge they need. Also, to make well-informed decisions about their network security architecture and operations. Hence, with a solid understanding of the fundamentals of network security, practitioners will be able to better account for the interactions. Further, between different aspects of their organization’s information security program. As well as between their program and other types of risk management processes.

What is Network Security 101’s structure?

Network Security 101 is divided into three sections: 1) Network Concepts, 2) Network Operations, and 3) Network Security. Each section is divided into multiple chapters covering specific areas of network security. Chapters have been carefully designed to be as self-contained as possible. Moreover, with almost every topic explained in terms of fundamental concepts. Also, that are easy to understand and apply to real-world problems.

List of the topics

The following is a general list of the topics in each section:

Network Concepts

Introduction – What is a network security and why is it important?
1= Understanding Networks – How do networks work and how are they different from other types of IT systems?
2=Understanding Threats – What are threats to information security, and how do they differ from threats to physical security?
3=Understanding Risks – What is a risk, what factors influence it, and how do we measure it?
4=Understanding Controls – How are controls implemented in network security architectures, what are the most common types of controls, and how can we avoid implementing them incorrectly?
5=Improving Your Understanding – Tips on how to improve your understanding of network security fundamentals

Network Operations

The Scale of Information Systems – Why does everything look so complicated when you’re trying to implement a secure network architecture for a large organization? This chapter provides a high-level overview of the challenges that arise when designing or operating large networks.
Security Engineering Fundamentals – An introduction to the fundamentals of information security engineering. Including an overview of the different types of controls implemented in a network environment.
Security Engineering Processes- An introduction to the process-oriented side of information security engineering. This chapter covers common industry practices for building and maintaining secure networks as well as “best practices” type methodologies for improving security.
Security Engineering Methodologies – A high-level summary of the most common methodologies used by organizations when securing their networks, including checklists for carrying out each methodology step by step. This chapter also includes an overview of Rapid7’s approach to securing networks.

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