is network security key the password

Is the Network Security Key the Password to Your Data?

Network Security Key. The most important step to creating an extremely strong password is to never use words or phrases. Especially, that can be found in any dictionary.

The master password is the key to your data and should be extremely strong and unique. We do not recommend using the same password. For both your database file and any other data that shouldn’t be combined.

Creating an Extremely Strong Password

The first step to creating an extremely strong password is to never use words or phrases that you can find in any dictionary or online dictionary resource. You also should never use names, birthdays or other significant information about yourself for passwords. This information gets into the wrong hands too easily. And can be a way to carry out identity theft. Even if you are forced by someone else (a court order) to reveal your passwords, you can simply say that you don’t know it or can’t remember it because it was so long ago.

In order to create an extremely strong password, we recommend using a combination of letters and numbers that are at least 8 characters long in length. It is also helpful if there are lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers and symbols in the password. For example: “SnZR_o5_n8D” would be an excellent choice for a Keepass master password (if you could remember it).

Storing Your Password Database File Safely

In addition to creating an extremely strong password, it is important to store your database file somewhere safe. You should never store your database file on a computer that has access to the internet unless it has been encrypted with something like VeraCrypt.

If this is the case, make sure that you do not store anything else on this computer that would reveal your master password if lost or stolen! It goes without saying that this computer should also have its own separate operating system as well as all security patches up-to-date; however, this may not always be practical or possible depending on your situation. If properly encrypted, you could have VeraCrypt auto-mount the encrypted folder when needed but then unmount it afterwards when finished using your password database file. 

Why the need for a strong password?

The most user uses a password for their account and this might be the reason why they are facing problems in logging in. The password shared by many users makes it easy to hack into a system. It is not even necessary for the hacker to break into your system, he only needs to get hold of your password, which is not hard when you know how.

Creating a good password is not difficult but it takes time, so you need to follow some rules here are some of them:

1=Never use a single word in your password. 2=Never use capital letters. 3=Never use common words like “password”. 4=Never use personal information such as birthdate, address etc. 5=Never repeat the same characters twice i.e., 12345 or abcdefghijk… 6=Never use words that are easy to spell or recognize like “quick”, “hello” etc. 7=Never use any names of someone in your family or friends as passwords. 8=Never use any combinations of letters i.e., pqrstu…


Hence, you need to be extremely careful while generating passwords. You should always keep in mind the above-mentioned points before creating a password.

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