Is Secure Web Gateway Same as Proxy?

Is Secure Web Gateway Same as Proxy?

Is secure web gateway same as proxy? Or are they two separate tools? If so, what does each one mean? Know below.

Is Secure Web Gateway Same as Proxy?

A secure web gateway (SWG) is not the same as a proxy. Why? Because an SWG is a firewall, while a proxy is a filter. Proxy is an intermediate system that sits between two systems and transfers data between them. It controls the flow of information between the two systems. Then, it also helps you to control how your computer communicates with other computers or servers over the Internet.

On the other hand, an SWG is an application firewall, which means it filters all traffic in and out through a network. It filters HTTP and HTTPS traffic that is not encrypted by SSL or TLS (HTTPS).

Then, a proxy is a kind of proxy server that allows you to make proxy connections to other servers on the World Wide Web. A proxy server masks your IP address from websites you visit, so they will not be able to find out your real IP address. This enables you to surf anonymously on the Internet.

Further, a proxy also masks your identity from any website you visit. So that it cannot find out your real identity and see what pages you visit on the Internet and what information you are entering there. Also, it can cache websites so that they open faster when you use them next time. It can also filter specific content to allow or disallow access to Facebook, YouTube, etc., depending on their settings.

On the other hand, an SWG enables organizations to establish security policies for their networks and endpoints. Even if those endpoints are laptops used by employees outside of the organization’s network boundaries. 

Then, this is done by employing policy-based security controls for all types of communications. This includes email, file transfers, instant messaging (IM), internet browsing, and peer-to-peer networking applications.

The Uses of Secure Web Gateway

The SWG helps organizations enforce corporate policies for use of social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and more. As well as compliance with government regulations such as HIPAA and Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX). 

Further, the SWG can also help organizations prevent employees from visiting websites with inappropriate content. It can also block employees from sending inappropriate emails through IM applications while they are connected to their corporate network.

Moreover, the SWG filters all traffic in and out through a network. The firewall blocks all connections that are not related to business needs. And then prevents malware infections through various channels such as web browsing, IM and P2P applications, and more.

It does this while ensuring compliance with organizational policies regarding the acceptable use of social networking websites. Such as blocking visits during work hours or blocking access to specific websites based on URL keywords.


As you can see, it is possible to use a proxy server and an SWG at the same time. However, you should avoid this. You should not use a proxy server and an SWG at the same time because it may have adverse effects on the performance of your computer. You should use one or the other.

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