DDoS Protection Server

How to Survive a DDoS Protection Server?

Looking for ways to prevent DDoS attacks to cause serious damage to your business? Learn more about DDoS Protection Server.

DDoS Protection Server Overview

A Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack is a type of DOS attack where multiple compromised systems attack a single target. This is such as a website or server. If your organization’s website is hit by DDoS attacks, there are ways to stop the attacks and keep your business running.

Cybercriminals use DDoS attacks to shut down websites and take control of your computer or server. These attacks make it impossible for legitimate users to access the website. There are hundreds of methods used for DDoS attacks.

DDoS Attack

A DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attack is a cyber-attack where multiple compromised systems (botnets) are used to target a single system. Such as a server or website. Also, the goal of an attack is to disrupt operations and ultimately cause a loss of money for the organization being attacked or damage to its reputation.

In the year 2018, there have been some major DDoS attacks that caused a lot of trouble to Internet users. Let’s take a look at these recent DDoS Attacks.

DDoS Protection Services

A DDoS attack is not just a computer security threat. So, the disruption of Internet services and theft of bandwidth can cost companies millions in revenue and lost customers. Financial institutions, e-commerce sites, search engines, social networking sites, and gaming sites are some major types of companies that experience DDoS attacks.

There are several ways to identify the type of DDoS attack being used. There are several ways to prevent a DDoS attack from occurring. You can use a hardware or software firewall to prevent any intrusions.

This is one of the most simple ways to protect your system against an attack. Firewalls help to lock down your network to access from an outside source. In addition to using a network firewall, you can also do some preventive measures of your own such as ensuring that you have the latest software updates on your systems.

This is especially operating system software such as Windows. Your operating system should be updated from time to time to ensure that it is protected from all forms of attacks including DDoS attacks. Another thing you can do is to ensure that only authorized users have access to your sensitive data as this is one of the reasons behind most cyber attacks.

Risk Mitigation Solution

Another preventive measure you can take is by disabling unused services on your web servers and other network devices. Since they could be used as entry points into your network by attackers. You should also perform regular penetration testing of your network infrastructure to find any potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.

If you find any vulnerabilities during testing, then you should try patching them up before an actual attack takes place. So that an attack does not occur in the first place. As we have discussed earlier, DDoS attacks are carried out by hackers using botnet armies or zombie armies as part of their attack strategy.

where they command their bots or zombies (comprised of compromised systems) to attack a target system or server. You can also fight back using a botnet army of your own or a zombie army as part of your defense strategy.

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