Rent A Secure Web Gateway

How To Rent A Secure Web Gateway Without Spending An Arm And A Leg

Rent A Secure Web Gateway. How would you like to rent a secure web gateway without spending an arm and a leg? Well, you don’t have to spend much at all because you can get a free secure web gateway from Cloudflare. This article explains how you can get started using Cloudflare today.

I’ll be the first to admit that I am not a huge fan of Cloudflare. It’s not that I don’t like their service, it’s just that I haven’t had a chance to work with it much. I’ve used their free offering in the past, and from my experience, it was more than adequate.

Rent A Secure Web Gateway

Cloudflare is a free web application that sits in front of your website and acts as a proxy server. This is different from your typical web host or VPS provider because they don’t actually host your website’s files. Instead, they offer several services including caching, load balancing, SSL certificates, DNS management and more. These services are free for standard accounts, but there are paid plans at higher levels if you need additional features.

Cloudflare offers three levels of service:

Free, Pro and Business Pro. The Free plan offers basic performance and security improvements for about 98% of websites out there, with additional features being unlocked as you upgrade to paid plans. The Pro plan will unlock additional features such as Web Application Firewall (WAF), Dedicated IP addresses and more features that are ideal for those running high traffic websites or those with advanced security needs.

The Business Pro plan will unlock additional features such as Enterprise-grade DDOS protection, 24/7 support and more features designed for Enterprise level businesses looking for advanced protection services for their employees and customers.

Is Cloudflare Safe?

Cloudflare is safe because it doesn’t store any of your sensitive data on its servers; instead, it will proxy all traffic through its servers before routing it back to your website via a cached version of your site if possible. This means that if someone were to try to gain access to your website via a SQL injection attack, they would not actually be accessing your server.

Instead, they would be accessing Cloudflare’s server. If a hacker were somehow able to break into Cloudflare’s servers, then they would only get access to cached data without ever getting access to your site’s actual data. This makes it incredibly difficult for attackers to actually break into your website.

 Sign Up For Cloudflare

In order to use Cloudflare on your WordPress site, you must first sign up for an account. From here you can either sign in with your Facebook or Google account or by creating a new account. If you choose to create a new account, you’ll need to enter your name and email address as well as a password for the account.

Once you’ve entered this information, click the “Create Account” button and you’re ready to move on to the next step (you may have to wait up to an hour before you receive any emails from Cloudflare).

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