Data Security And Protection Toolkits

A Complete Guide to Submitting Data Security And Protection Toolkits

Some people are asking how often to submit data security and protection toolkits. If you are also asking this question, let us tackle it and find out together the answer below.

What Is A Data Security And Protection Toolkits?

A data security and protection toolkit is a collection of resources that are used to assess the compliance of a business with the GDPR. So this toolkit includes the following:

  • A Data Protection Policy
  • A Data Breach Policy
  • Data Protection Training For All Employees
  • Privacy Notice (For Non-EU Residents)
  • Data Processing Agreements (For Processors)
  • Record Of Processing Activities For Data Controllers And Processors
  • Proof Of Consent For Processing Personal Data From Individuals Under The Age Of 16 Years

How Often To Submit Data Security And Protection Toolkit?

Here is the following information about submitting data security and protection toolkits below.


Within the first month, after the GDPR is in place, it is necessary to submit a data security and protection toolkit to your supervisory authority. In this way, you can ensure that you will start complying with the GDPR at once.


For businesses that do not have a data protection officer. So they should submit their data security and protection toolkit within the first year after GDPR is in place. 

For this reason, you should remember that you have to comply with the GDPR before the deadline arrives. You need to know that if you do not comply with the GDPR, you will face a fine.


If you are a data controller or processor, it is necessary to submit a data security and protection toolkit. Within the first two months of the GDPR’s implementation. 

It is your responsibility to ensure that you can meet all the requirements of the GDPR. So this is done by submitting your data security and protection toolkit on time. 

Otherwise, there are high chances that your rights will be suspended by your supervisory authority.

How To Create A Data Security And Protection Toolkit?

Creating a data security and protection toolkit is not a difficult task. There are many useful resources that you can use to make a great data security and protection toolkit. 

So if you want to know how to create the data security and protection toolkit, let us go through the following information below.

1: Establish A Data Protection Policy

The first thing that you need to do is establish a data protection policy. So in this way, your company will be able to be compliant with the GDPR. 

Therefore, you should know that the data protection policy is very important for your business. 

2: Create A Data Breach Notification Plan

Furthermore, it is also necessary for you to create a data breach notification plan. So in this way, it will be easier for you to meet all the requirements of the GDPR. 

For this reason, you need to remember that a data breach notification plan is also very important for your business. 

3: Create A Privacy Notice For Non-EU Residents And Data Subject Rights Summary

It is also necessary for you to create privacy notices for non-EU residents and a data subject rights summary. In this way, you can easily meet all the requirements of the GDPR. 

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