Network Security Lecture Notes

Facts Everyone Should Know About Network Security Lecture Notes

Network Security Lecture Notes. Network security is a complex topic that involves protecting data, preventing unauthorized access, and detecting malicious activities.

There are several types of threats to computer networks. The following are as viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, phishing, denial of service (DoS) attacks, and spam.

The most common network security attack is the DoS attack. It occurs when a person or a group of people try to take down a computer or network by flooding it with useless traffic.

An intrusion prevention system (IPS) is a device or software that monitors network traffic. And compares it to a database of attack signatures. If the IPS detects an attack, it will block the traffic.

A firewall is a network security system that controls and monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic. Firewalls are hardware or software that protects a private network from illegal access to the internet. Through a process called packet filtering.

Security guards are people who watch over buildings and make sure that people are not entering without permission. They also make sure that no one is removing anything from the building without permission.

Security guards are similar to firewalls because they make sure that users are accessing only authorized data on a system. Both of them watch for unauthorized access, use security protocols, and control all incoming and outgoing communication channels.

What are Trojans

 A Trojan horse is a malicious computer program that appears to be useful. But actually contains code that gives an unauthorized user access to the protected system. Trojan horses names are after the wooden horse used by the Greeks to sneak into Troy.

An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a special software or hardware device. Further, monitors network traffic and looks for security violations by comparing it to a database of attack signatures. If an attack is detected, it can take different actions in response to the attack. Such as blocking traffic from that IP address or notifying administrators of the attack.

What is spyware? 

An application that collects information about a user or their computer, usually without their knowledge. Spyware is software that collects information about users or their computers without their knowledge or consent. For the purpose of sending this information back to its source or selling it for marketing purposes.

What are phishing, vishing, and smishing? 

Phishing is a type of fraud where a user is tricked into giving away private information, such as usernames, passwords, and credit card numbers. Vishing is a type of fraud where a user is tricked into giving away private information by someone who calls them on the phone. Smishing is a type of fraud where a user is tricked into giving away private information by someone who sends them an SMS message. 

What are viruses and worms? 

Viruses are malicious code that spreads from one computer to another using removable storage media. Worms are similar to viruses; however, instead of using removable media to spread, they replicate themselves through networks to infect more computers.

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