You Need A Secure Web Gateway

Do You Need A Secure Web Gateway?

You Need A Secure Web Gateway. Have you ever wondered why some websites are secure and others aren’t? The answer lies in the type of encryption they use.

There are three types of encryption: Transport Layer Security (TLS), Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) and SSL/TLS. Which one should you use?

Types of encryption

Transport Layer Security (TLS) – The best choice for securing your website. TLS is the latest version of the Secure Socket Layer (SSL). It protects sensitive information as it travels between a server and a client, such as a browser. TLS is the preferred method of securing websites and is becoming a standard in most browsers.

HTTPS – It’s important to note that HTTPS is not a type of encryption, but rather a combination of TLS and the HTTP protocol. HTTPS encrypts HTTP traffic over port 443. In most cases, you’ll use HTTPS to access secure websites. However, sites with sensitive information should use TLS instead.

SSL/TLS – SSL is the original encryption method for websites. However, it has been replaced by TLS as the preferred method of securing websites. SSL is still useful for many sites because it’s less expensive than TLS or because older browsers don’t support TLS. However, encryption strength can vary depending on whether you’re using SSL or TLS.

The Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS

While both HTTP and HTTPS protocols work over port 80, only HTTPS uses TLS to encrypt the traffic between a server and client. When you use HTTP you send unencrypted data over port 80, which hackers could intercept on public wireless networks or network sniffers such as Wireshark or tcpdump.

In contrast, when you use HTTPS, encrypted data travels over port 80 so that your data remains protected while in transit – even if you’re using public Wi-Fi!

Using HTTP instead of HTTPS exposes your users’ personal information to anyone who might be able to view their Internet traffic. For this reason alone, all web pages should use HTTPS instead of HTTP. With the Trusted Web Gateway, you can enable secure connections to your website without having to do any modifications to your server!

What is a Secure Web Gateway?

A web gateway is a software application or hardware device that controls the flow of information between a private network and the Internet. In short, it acts as a buffer between your network and the Internet.

While there are many different types of web gateways, they all have one thing in common: they filter out unwanted traffic and allow only the traffic you specify to enter your network. There are four main types of web gateways: Content Filtering, Threat Mitigation, Application Firewall, and URL Filtering.

Types of web gateway

Content Filtering

Content filtering allows you to block undesirable content from entering your network. This includes spam, viruses, phishing attacks, malware, inappropriate content and more.

Threat Mitigation

Threat mitigation is used to block malicious traffic from entering your network. This includes DDoS attacks and other types of Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks that can take down your website or servers.

Application Firewall

Application firewalls allow you to control applications on your computer and server that are permitted to access the Internet. This includes allowing or denying applications access to specific ports on the firewall or allowing specific IP addresses to connect through the firewall with certain permissions.

URL Filtering

URL filtering allows you to block websites from being accessed over the Internet or intranet-based on their content or reputation.

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