networking vs security

Differences Between Networking vs Security

Networking vs Security. The main difference between networking and security is the fact that the former is a broad field, which includes many sub-fields, whereas the latter is a specific field. Networking encompasses many technologies, protocols and systems, and it is quite vast in comparison to security.

In addition, networking uses computers as an integral part of its operations. Whereas in security, computers are to support the implementation of security policies. That said, networking and security do have their commonalities because they are both computer-related fields.

Similarities Between Networking vs Security

Security and networking are similar in that they both involve protecting devices such as computers or mobile devices from threats such as viruses, hackers or other cybercriminals. In addition, they both also aim to protect these devices from natural disasters such as fire or floods.

Moreover, both fields are also related to computer networks because they function on networks in order to communicate with users.

Networking vs Security: Comparison Chart


 The field of computer networking is the study and implementation of data communication technologies. Security is a specific field that deals with protecting a computer system or an organization from threats. 


The history of networking can be traced back to the 1960s but it wasn’t tackled in a serious manner. The history of security can be traced back to the late 1950s when computers were first introduced. 


It is important to have solid networking knowledge because, without it, it will be difficult to keep track of what is happening in large networks. It is important to have solid security knowledge because, without it, it will be difficult to keep track of what is happening in large networks. 


Both fields are related to computer networks because they function on networks in order to communicate with users. Both fields are related to computer networks because they function on networks in order to communicate with users. Key Players The key players in the networking field include Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent, HP and Juniper Networks among others. The key players in the security field include Cisco, IBM, EMC and Symantec among others. 


Examples of networking include IPv4/IPv6, TCP/UDP, Ethernet and other protocols and systems. Then, examples of security include firewalls, anti-virus software and other protective measures taken by an organization.

It is important to note that both networking and security are important fields of study since they play vital roles in the smooth functioning of computers and communication networks.

Why the need for networking security is that the network security solutions in place today are not robust enough to handle the growing cyber threats. There is a need for a new generation of solutions to protect the network security environment.

According to the report by Juniper Networks, in 2016, twice as many data breaches were reported than in 2015. It was also reported that 76% of companies were attacked. With this in mind, it is necessary to invest in a solution that provides protection against the cyber-attacks of today and tomorrow.

Why Unified Threat Management

The Unified Threat Management (UTM) solution protects you from all types of attacks on your network. It has been designed to provide protection at every level of your network.

It incorporates multiple layers of security solutions like firewalls, IPS and anti-virus software. These security solutions are combined into a single appliance that is easy to manage and deploy. This type of unified solution makes it possible for you to protect your network from cyber threats without having to deploy multiple appliances from different vendors.

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