Data Protection Training

Data Protection Training

Conducting data protection training is now becoming as vital as ever. Companies need to ensure that their employees are well-versed in this topic. Why?

Data Protection Training

Data protection training refers to the instruction or guidance relating to personal data which is delivered to employees in an organization. This training aims to understand the notion of personal data, the purpose of its processing, and how it can be used. It outlines the rights of individuals regarding their data.

Further, it also makes employees aware of their responsibility toward the act of protecting personal data.

As per the law, data protection training must be provided to all employees involved in the handling of personal data. It is recommended that this training should be brought about during the induction period. However, it may be provided in a separate session as well. It should be provided at least once every two years.

Then, this training needs to cover certain topics to make sure that employees are well-informed and can act accordingly. The purpose of the personal data processing carried out by the organization:

  • The name and address of its Data Protection Officer (if appointed)
  • The types of personal data being processed
  • How long does your company intend to process such information?
  • How will you ensure that personal data is kept secure? And how will you ensure that all staff is aware of confidentiality? What are your security policies and procedures? 
  • What is the legal basis for processing such information? Who has access to it? What is your retention policy regarding such information? 

Further, this training should inculcate in the minds of the employees they need to carry out their duties with utmost care and make them understand how personal data can be misused. They should also be educated about their rights and responsibilities as per the GDPR.

How to Conduct This Training

It is important to note that this training is not mandatory for companies employing fewer than 250 people. However, it is recommended that such companies still provide training to their staff at least once every two years.

Nonetheless, all employees must understand the importance of data protection, the risks involved, and their rights and responsibilities if they wish to avoid any issues or fines in the future.

So, when starting to plan for one, companies should first check the following:

  • Is data protection training mandatory for your company? Or, is it recommended?
  • What are the topics that should be included in the training? When should such training be provided? 
  • Who should conduct this training? 
  • How much time and cost should be invested in this training? What format should you use to conduct this training (e.g. classroom or online)?
  • How can you evaluate the effectiveness of this training?
  • Do you have any internal or external data protection guidelines that need to be adhered to?
  • Can you show that such training has been taken and/or completed by your employees against their data records?

Well, these are some of the most important questions that companies should ask themselves before starting with the planning. 

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