Data Protection Standard

Data Protection Standard

This post will talk about the data protection standard that every company and enterprise must follow. Also, this will outline why this is important to follow.

Data Protection Standard

A data protection standard refers to providing data protection that is suited to the nature of the organization and its type of processing. The data protection standard must be proportionate to the risks presented by the use of processing. And appropriate to the organization’s size and technical infrastructure.

Data Protection standards are based on two different aspects:

Data Security

This involves taking steps to ensure that personal data is protected from unauthorized access and use. This includes protecting data from loss or destruction and making sure that it is accessible only to those people who have a legitimate reason for accessing it. It also includes the ability to back up data in case of a technical failure or malicious attack 

Then, these measures include:

  • Physical security (e.g. locked filing cabinets)
  • Technical security (e.g. passwords and firewalls)
  • Procedural security (e.g. staff awareness programs)

Then, the main goal of this is that your company maintains compliance with the Data Protection Act. And also with other applicable laws when handling personal information that belongs to your customers, employees, or business partners  

Personal Data

Personal data refers to information that can be used to identify a living individual. This is either from that information alone or when combined with other available information. As well as in combination with unique identifiers such as a customer number. 

Then, the GDPR distinguishes between two:

  • ‘personal identifiers’ – elements of personal data which specifically identify an individual; and 
  • ‘other personal data’ – which does not do so on its own but may become ‘personal data’ when linked to a person’s name or another identifier (for example an address).

Further, personal data includes but is not limited to: 

  • Name Email address 
  • Family details 
  • Addresses 
  • Phone numbers 
  • Bank details 
  • Biometric Information 
  • Credit Card Information 
  • Log Files 
  • Web Tracking Information 
  • Business Related Information 
  • Any other information used in the course of their business 

Data Protection Standard: Why Follow?

Why, then, should your company follow this standard? Well, there are several reasons for this. For one, it can contribute to customer trust. Why? If your company follows this standard, then it is a sign that the company values its customers and that the company respects their privacy. 

Because if you value your customers, then you would want to make sure that they are comfortable when doing business with you. In addition to this, it can also strengthen your brand. What does this mean? This means that your company is reliable and trustworthy since your customers will be able to see that you respect their privacy. 

Also, this can help your company to avoid legal action against your company. For example, if your company is hacked or if there is a data breach, then the person whose information was compromised can sue your company for not following this standard. 

Finally, it can also help to protect your business from fines. So in short, following this standard is important because it can help to avoid fines and legal issues for your business.

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