Data Protection Principles

Data Protection Principles

There are various data protection principles that companies need to be aware of. Of course, they also need to follow these principles. What, then, are these?

Data Protection Principles

Data Quality Principle

This is the principle where companies must ensure that the data they collect is accurate, complete, and current. This means that they need to regularly check and update the information.

Data Purpose Principle

This principle states that personal data must be used for the purpose that which it was collected. It cannot be used for any other reason such as marketing or selling.

The Lawful Principle

This principle states that personal data can only be collected if instructed by law. It cannot be collected without proper consent from the individual. 

Data Minimization Principle 

This principle states that companies should only collect the data that they need to provide a service or a product to their client. Then, they should not collect more than what’s required. 

The Purpose of Data Protection Principles

What, then, are the purpose of these principles? Data protection principles are there to ensure the personal data of individuals are protected from any misuse and that they remain confidential. It also ensures that nobody can use the data for any purpose other than what it was collected for.

What, then, is the difference between data protection principles and data privacy laws? Well, there are several differences between these two. First, data privacy laws are put in place by the government while the principles are set by the companies themselves. Data privacy laws can be challenged by the people while the principles cannot be appealed upon.

Then, another difference between these two is that a violation of data privacy laws may lead to prosecution. While a violation of data protection principles may only lead to a fine or penalty. There are several reasons why this is so. 

This is because it is only the government that can enforce the law. While it is only the company that can impose a fine or penalty on its employees who violate the rules and policies of the company.

Finally, another difference between data protection principles and company policies is that violations of ethical hacking policies may lead to termination. Violations of these principles will only lead to fines or penalties. Such as suspension or demotion or even unpaid leave depending on how seriously the offense was committed.

Why Follow Data Protection Principles?

Why, then, should your company follow these principles? Firstly, it is to ensure that the personal data of your clients will be protected and confidential. It is also to ensure that you will not be sued by an angry client if ever their data was leaked. 

Further, it is also to ensure that you have the trust of your clients and their loyalty. This is because they will know that you will take care of their data and they won’t have to worry about any misuse of it.

So, if you want to protect all your organization’s data, you need to follow these principles.

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