Data Protection Principle 4

What are the 4 Data Protection Principles?

What is a data protection principle 4? It is personal data that undergoes processing that must be accurate and kept up to date. To have more understanding, let us tackle it below.

Introducing A Data Protection Principle 4

Reality check, with the rapid development of technology, people are more and more dependent on the internet to conduct daily living. In addition, the increasing number of various types of technology.

Also, makes it easier for people to send and receive information. However, such a dependence also brings about a new problem: personal information security. 

In every case, personal information is often leaked or stolen, which can affect the lives of many people. To uphold personal information security, Indonesia has issued data protection laws that regulate the processing of personal data. 

The most important one is Law No. 11 the Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions (hereinafter referred to as “Law No. 11”). One of its provisions is Article 25.

It states that “any user who processes personal data must maintain their accuracy and update them regularly”. So this means that every user who processes personal data.

Must ensure that the data they have are correct and kept up to date. In this regard, each user shall be responsible for maintaining the accuracy and up-to-dateness of their data. 

To prevent any damage or loss suffered by other parties due to this inaccuracy or lack of up-to-dateness. Article 25 aims at ensuring the safety of personal data users in the internet world.

It is by requiring them to maintain the accuracy and up-to-dateness of their data so as not to cause any damage to others.

In Additional Information

Article 25 states that “the obligation under paragraph 1 shall be fulfilled through maintaining tools. That helps maintain the accuracy and up-to-dateness of personal data”. 

It is clear from this provision that every user must fulfill their obligation. They use an appropriate tool for maintaining the accuracy and up-to-dateness of their data.

It is in order not to cause any damage or loss suffered by others due to this inaccuracy or lack of up-to-dateness. So this tool refers to a program or device used for maintaining accuracy and updating data.

Prepared by a person who processes personal data, consisting primarily of programs or devices used by other parties. It is to ensure that the person who processes personal data accurately.

It reflects all changes made by parties on matters relevant thereto as well as all such changes made on matters relevant to the data. In this regard, the data protection principle 4 is a prerequisite for the person who processes personal data

To ensure that their data are accurate and up-to-date.


Personal data protection principles are a crucial part of the Indonesian legal framework. In addition, this law is seen as a way to ensure the safety of personal data that are processed.

In other words, it is an obligation for every user who processes personal data. They must ensure that their data are accurate and up-to-date. 

By using the appropriate tool for maintaining this accuracy and up-to-dateness. They should not cause any damage or loss suffered by others due to this inaccuracy or lack of up-to-dateness. 

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