Data Protection News

Data Protection News

This post will feature some of the latest data protection news. Also, we will talk about some of the trends in this field. So, keep on scrolling below.

Data Protection News

When it comes to data protection, it is important to have a good understanding of what is going on in the industry. For example, only this week we have seen that there are some problems with the new Facebook-owned Whatsapp. Despite being acquired by Mark Zuckerberg’s company for $19 billion, it appears that data protection issues are not at their best.

According to reports, Whatsapp has recently informed its users that it will now be sharing their phone numbers with Facebook. This means that Facebook will now be able to match up phone numbers with profiles, which is something that the social network has not been able to do before.

Further, Whatsapp is also allowing users to easily opt-out of this change if they so desire. However, one thing that many people are not happy with is that they were not informed in advance about this change. So, many users feel as though they have been left in the dark.

However, Facebook and Whatsapp both insist that there will be no sharing of user data without permission. And that the end-to-end encryption of messages has not been affected by this move. However, many users will still be unhappy about this news.

Data Protection Trends

These days, as there are more and more technologies rising to help with data protection, we will talk about some of the latest trends in this field. For example, the EU has recently decided to implement some new data protection rules. These are known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). So, many businesses are now getting ready to meet these new rules.

However, many experts believe that these rules are not strong enough. As there are a few loopholes that need to be addressed. For example, it is argued that the GDPR allows companies to transfer data outside of the EU as long as there is a contract in place that states otherwise.

However, it is claimed that companies can easily get around this loophole by using other countries that have similar laws. Thus, it is claimed that this regulation will not be strong enough to stop companies from transferring data outside of the EU.

Rising Technologies

One of the most prominent data protection technologies that are rising is the blockchain. Many experts believe that this technology could be the solution to many of the problems that we have today. For example, many experts believe that this technology could be the perfect solution to the GDPR loophole. As it would allow encrypted data to be transferred around the world in a way that could not be accessed by anyone.

However, despite this potential, there is still a long way to go until this technology is implemented on a large scale. This is because there are still some issues with its performance that need to be addressed first. For example, it takes a lot of time and energy to process transactions using this technology.

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