Data Protection Ethical Issues

Data Protection Ethical Issues

These days, there are various data protection ethical issues around. What are some of these issues and how can you overcome them?

Data Protection Ethical Issues

One of the most common data protection ethical issues is the use of data for commercial purposes. Such as the profiling of customers for marketing purposes. There is a question that asks whether or not it is ethical to collect data for marketing purposes. The answer to this question varies according to the situation.

If you are collecting data and you are going to use it for a purpose other than what it was originally collected for. Such as collecting data from a customer’s profile and then using it to promote your store or product, then which can be considered unethical. 

However, if you are going to collect data and use it only for the original purpose, then this is not considered unethical at all.

Moreover, another common data protection ethical issue is that of social media. And its use in terms of gathering information on users and their behavior online. Social media sites like Facebook have caused some issues with users who do not want their information being shared with third parties. 

This has caused some users to boycott certain sites. So that they do not have their information collected and shared about them.

Further, this problem has been solved somewhat by having two different versions of each site. One where the user’s information is shared with the world and one where it is not. The version that allows users’ information to be shared is free. While the version that does not allow sharing costs money so that some people do not feel pressured into giving out personal, sensitive information

Some people, however, feel that this type of solution is still unethical. Because they see it as tricking users into spending more money without even knowing that they are doing so.

Other Data Protection Ethical Issues

Another issue that has come about with social media sites like Facebook is how third parties will take advantage of them. This is by using them as a means to gather users’ sensitive information without their permission or knowledge. 

This can then be seen when these third parties will create software applications. This links directly into your account on these social media sites without your permission. So that they can collect various types of information from you when you least expect it. 

Then, these programs will collect everything from your email address, phone number, full name, and street address. And even your credit card number if you are using PayPal to buy things online. 

This practice is highly unethical in terms of internet privacy. Because no one wants any type of programming being linked into their accounts without their knowledge or consent.


As you can see, there are several data protection ethical issues that arise with the use of data. So it is important that users are aware of these issues and how they can affect them. Some people may have been unaware that these practices were going on without their knowledge. 

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