BeyondCorp Zero Trust Security Model

BeyondCorp Zero Trust Security Model

Do you know what the BeyondCorp zero trust security model is? Do you know what is in this model? If not, then this article can help you. So, read on.

BeyondCorp Zero Trust Security Model

BeyondCorp’s zero trust security model refers to the Google security model that is used to protect Google employees and its data. You know Google is the world’s largest search engine company. It works on several products that are used by billions of people across the world.

Google has a huge network of computers. So, to protect those computers and data, it has come up with a unique security model known as BeyondCorp zero trust security model.

The zero trust security model means there’s no assumption that users are authorized to access any company’s systems or data. The word “zero” refers to the fact that there’s no trust in people and devices as they enter Google’s network.

Then, the model has three layers of defense:

  • Device Control 
  • Network Segmentation 
  • Cloud Security Controls

What is the purpose of these layers? These layers are in place to ensure that no data is exposed to hackers. Google has also developed security tools that implement the model.

Then, by using these tools, Google has been able to minimize the risk of attacks on its network and data. So, this model is very useful for large organizations.

How Does BeyondCorp Zero Trust Security Model Work?

So, how does Google’s BeyondCorp zero trust security model work? This section explains the working of this model. Google’s BeyondCorp model starts with physical security. Physical security is the first line of defense against external threats. Then, to access Google’s headquarters, you have to get through a physical barrier like an old-fashioned gate. Or a wall or a fence that surrounds the entire complex.

Then, the next layer is device control. You have to use an authorized laptop or PC to log into Google’s network. And you can’t use any random USB drive or smartphone to access it. So, device control ensures that only authorized devices can access the network.

Further, network segmentation is the next layer of defense in this model. What does network segmentation mean? Network segmentation means dividing the network into different zones (or segments). 

Then, each zone can be given its level of access and privilege depending on its function and sensitivity level. The top layer of this model is cloud-based security controls. These are then used to protect Google data stored in the cloud such as documents and emails sent by Gmail users worldwide. 

Finally, cloud-based security controls are designed to identify malicious activity within Google’s cloud environment. And then take appropriate action against it without affecting legitimate users’ experience.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, if your organization is using the BeyondCorp zero trust security model, it will be able to protect its data and systems from internal and external threats. And it can even minimize the risk of data breaches.

And this model is not only used by Google. But many other large companies are also using it. So, if your organization is interested in protecting its data, then you must try this model as well.

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