Myths About Secure Web Gateway

Believing These Myths About Secure Web Gateway Keeps You From Growing

Myths About Secure Web Gateway. Are you aware of these myths about secure web gateway? If you are using a secure web gateway, then you should know these myths.

The term secure web gateway refers to a firewall or proxy server that allows only trusted websites to access the Internet. This type of security system prevents unauthorized sites from accessing your computer.

For the past few years, a lot of people have been using secure web gateways for data protection, malware filtering and content inspection.
However, there are some myths about secure web gateway that keep people from taking advantage of this technology.

Here are some of these myths.

“It is better to use a SaaS solution instead of a secure web gateway.”

You may think that it is more convenient to use a cloud-based service than a stand-alone appliance. But, this is not true.

“Cloud solutions are more cost-effective.”

Actually, both options offer cost-effectiveness. You can save money by buying an appliance and install it on your own premises, or you can pay less if you take advantage of the cloud solutions offered by various providers.

“A cloud-based service is less expensive than a secure web gateway.”

This may be true but only when you consider the initial expenses. In the long run, using a cloud-based service will cost you more than using an appliance because replacing or maintaining the appliance is much cheaper than replacing or maintaining the cloud service.

“Managed web gateway services are not necessary.”

If you want to save money, then you should consider using managed services instead of managing the entire network from scratch. However, if you want to get maximum results from your security system, then you should hire experts to manage it for you.

You should also know that secure web gateway usage is becoming more and more common because of the various benefits they offer. If you want to keep your business safe, then you should use a security system that offers maximum protection.

As you can see, the myths about secure web gateway are just misconceptions. If you want to protect your business from cyber threats, then you should stop believing these myths and start using a secure web gateway. 

Who can use a secure web gateway? 

Anyone who uses the internet should have a secure web gateway. We all use the internet for work and for entertainment, and that makes us all potential targets of cybercriminals. Even if you are not connected to the internet, it doesn’t mean that cybercriminals cannot get to you. For example, the virus that infected Target’s point-of-sale system came from an infected USB drive.

If you have a business, then you are at greater risk of being attacked online than your personal computer or laptop. This is because criminals could get access to your company’s sensitive data or even steal money from your business account.

Nevertheless, you can protect your business from cyber threats by installing a secure web gateway on your network. A secure web gateway allows only trusted sites to access the internet so you can protect your business from possible data breaches or attacks from other hackers. 

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