News Available On Zero Trust Network Access

Believing These Myths About News Available On Zero Trust Network Access Keeps You From Growing

News Available On Zero Trust Network Access. Can you believe how much misinformation is out there? The average person gets at least 4 hours of information per day from media outlets. That means they are exposed to thousands of claims every single day—and 95% of them are false.

Zero trust network access is the only way to ensure that you stay informed without being influenced by biased reporting. While Google, Facebook, Twitter and other major social networks are starting to offer their own zero trust platforms, there’s no reason you should wait until you hear about them.

Here’s why you should start using zero trust now. News Available On Zero Trust Network Access

Most Reporters Are Biased

The mainstream media’s reputation is in the gutter, and it’s easy to see why. In a 2014 Gallup poll, only 8% of Americans said they had at least a fair amount of trust in the news media. That’s the lowest level since the polling company began asking the question in 1972.

Fake News Can Fool Even The Experts

In 2016, Snopes fact-checked a story about Donald Trump paying off porn star Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about their affair—and rated it true. It was actually false, and Snopes eventually updated its rating to false.

Stories Are Often Wrong

In September 2017,  The New York Times ran a story claiming that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies agreed that Russia was behind the hacking that led to Hillary Clinton’s email leaks. Subsequent investigation revealed that only 3 of the 17 agencies had contributed to the report—and those three didn’t agree with each other about Russia’s involvement.

The Media Distorts Facts For A Cause

The Harvard Kennedy School released a study in 2007 showing that “Fox News viewers were 15 percentage points more likely than those who never watched it to believe statements ‘contrary to established fact'”—such as “the claim that Saddam Hussein had worked closely with al Qaeda.”

The Media Is Biased Towards Violence

The Geller Report noted in 2015 that not only were reporters covering ISIS up to 20 times more often than other terrorist organizations, but they also refused to call ISIS what it is: an Islamic terrorist group . Reporters preferred terms like “militant,” “militants” or even “insurgents” instead!

What is Zero trust network access?

Zero trust network access allows you to use the internet without opening your devices up to security risks. Zero trust is a philosophy of network security that treats all users as untrusted and all networks as untrustworthy. This way, you aren’t forced to trust the network or any of its users.

Benefits Of Using Zero Trust Network Access

1. Security Is Better Than EverZero trust network access enhances security by encrypting information that passes through a network. This makes it virtually impossible for hackers to steal any of your data. Even if they have access to the network itself.

2. Speed & Reliability Are ImprovedZero trust network access can improve your internet experience in two ways: better speed and fewer errors. Cutting down on the time it takes messages to pass through a network. Also, can reduce lag time and make everything run more smoothly.

3. Cost Is ReducedZero trust network access can save you money by cutting down on your connection fees and keeping your data safe from outside attackers. It’s not just about saving money—it’s about saving your data!

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